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Understand long-tail keyword (SEO) marketing

In general, with the increasing development of technology in the market, we can see the emergence of several tools, capable of optimizing our daily lives even more. With internet accessibility and the development of cell phones, computers, and tablets, purchasing products and services is just a click away.

Therefore, realizing this new consumer behavior, companies began to digitize their activities in order to conquer new audiences through the internet. However, strategies to capture through social media are numerous, thanks to digital marketing.

We know that keywords are the “soul” of our organic and paid actions on digital platforms. However, keywords tend to be divided into the long tail and head tail.

Want to know more about it? Check out our post and learn all about long-tail marketing and why it is so important in today's world.


In marketing, what is the "long tail"?

First of all, we can define that this term ended up receiving great prominence after a publication carried out by the great author Chris Anderson related this topic. The term became so viral that it ended up being highly sought after and applied by companies, especially marketing agencies.

In general, we define the long tail as basically a strategy that seeks to reach many things with a lower demand — instead of focusing on a few things, but with a lot of order demand. To better understand this concept, just think about the retail market.

So we can represent the long tail as the image of a dinosaur, so to speak. Let's imagine that it is standing, while its tail is on the ground. At the very top, at the top, we consider those things that tend to be more generic, and that offer the most demand. However, the quantity may end up being limited.

On the other hand, the part that involves the dinosaur's tail tends to refer to more specific issues, but with less demand. In retail, as mentioned above, products that are in the long tail tend to be more profitable when accumulated.


Long Tail and Head Tail: What are the differences between these keywords?

When it comes to content marketing, what usually comes to mind are the strategies that can be created to reach the top positions in search engines, such as Google.

Therefore, in marketing, keywords that have a long tail can help companies reach this very important objective, and above all, necessary.

Check out the difference between each of them below:

1. Head Tail

When we refer to head tails, they are usually related to words that tend to answer only one question: For example: “What is email marketing”? To make your understanding even better, let's look at some Head Tail words:

  • Men's clothes;
  • Business management;
  • Marketing;
  • Publicity agency.

That is, the high volume of searches for these words draws the attention of anyone looking for something related to related terms since these words can reach different audiences. The downside that we can see is that, with a large amount of search volume, also comes the competition, which can be huge.


2. Long Tail Marketing

When it comes to the long tail, we can understand it better by putting it in context. Let's assume that a certain user performs a Google search by typing the term “marketing” into the search engine. Based on the results, the reader will be able to find a marketing course, a marketing agency, a strategy, a tool, an author, etc.

In other words, the long tail serves precisely to better segment these search results, making the reader find a subject that is more in line with their expectations. Practically speaking, long tail keywords are often variations of the main keyword of a strategy, for example.

If the main keyword is “marketing”, we can build variations of it, such as:

  • Digital marketing;
  • Advocate Marketing;
  • Content marketing course;
  • Content Marketing.


Why is it necessary to invest in long-tail marketing?

For starters, one of the many advantages of investing in long-tail marketing in your strategies that involve the elaboration of keywords is that it can position your content more easily in search engines, such as Google.

The fact that your content has much less competition — because it is more specific — ends up becoming a success factor in winning over customers. Another important point to be mentioned is that the use of a long tail keyword promotes a reduction in the bounce rate of your site. This is because readers will be directed to content that is totally related to what they are looking for.

With this, we qualify our website or blog, having a good ranking, and in this way, it starts to receive even more clicks. With more clicks, we tend to close more deals. It's an excellent strategy for those who want to optimize a brand in search engines, isn't it?


As we have seen, digital marketing is essential in today's contexts, since people spend a large part of the day connected.

In order to reach these people, we need more objective and targeted strategies. In this way, we can see how important the long tail is for a company's competitiveness, whether in organic traffic or even paid traffic.

Segmenting the audience means better filtering users connected to the internet and directing your brand to people who offer greater potential to relate to your brand.

For this reason, be sure to invest in the long tail in your marketing strategies, and if you want to make the most of this strategy, use tools like Ubersuggest to find good long-tail keywords and use Google Analytics to check the behavior of readers within of your website or blog.