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How has the phygital experience been implemented?

With a concept that revolves around hyper-connectivity and reality, this is how the phygital consumer operates through technologies such as QR Codes, the Internet of Things and Augmented Reality (AR), among others.

That is, it is smartphones, tablets, desktops or some other connected device that command this process and experience, without definitively replacing the previous resource.

For example PIX allows online and instant payment, but it does not eliminate the function of a bank branch.

Thus, it is commonly found and implemented in some sectors, such as:

Phygital in education

The teaching sector is where these experiences are most often found, as it is of great use to educators in how to bring technological resources closer to physical, face-to-face classes, valuing each moment at its best.

Therefore, it allows more integrated, in-depth and individualized learning.

For example, you are in a Biology class and you use a plant recognition app to understand more about each plant.

Phygital trade

But it's not just the new generations of students who fit the phygital profile, but also customers in the market in general, especially with trade.

Being able to research a product online before buying it physically or vice versa already demonstrates some of the efficiency of phygital commerce.

Or even when you would need to go to a bank to receive some money to buy, but instead take a PIX and pay in person at the store with just your cell phone.

Phygital in retail

Related to commerce, in retail it is also relevant. You can buy a piece on the internet and ask to pick it up at the store, so you don't pay shipping.

What are the benefits of the phygital experience for the sales funnel?

Nothing more than investing in the phygital experience contributes to increased customer satisfaction, as this multichannel interface ( omnichannel ) brings ease and personalized integration to people's needs.

Therefore, promoting phygital means helping your organization increase loyalty, attracting customers, not to mention the relationship with them, since, above all, it consolidates your brand in the online and offline environment, in both possible markets.

Customer journey and phygital experience: what is the relationship?

Conquering loyal customers and brand promoters is the dream of any company, right? Bringing these two concepts together not only provides that, but also contributes to personalized problem solving for customers.

Merging these two environments will make a possible person interested in your products and services advance in the funnel and in the purchase journey, so that if he wasn't at the moment of decision, he can be now.

The phygital experience facilitates the daily lives of people and companies, in addition to contributing to the reputation of the brand as a whole, increasing the customer base and revenue.

Especially because 67% of people claim to find better prices in the digital environment, so if you take advantage of this fact, you are benefiting your own company.

Phygital concept and consumer profiles

When we talk about the consumer profiles that we found to adapt the phygital experience that your company offers, the main ones are:

1. Initiator

The first one refers to that person who will suggest the purchase of a service or product. Typically characterized by advertisements on social media and TV.

For example a child watching TV sees a toy he likes and asks his parents to buy it.

2. Influencer

It is who influences the purchase decision through their point of view, very common in current social networks.

Imagine the situation that you need a Data Driven course to learn more about data, but you don't know which one is the best. The Influencer will show you the benefits of one and give you reasons to start it now, influencing your purchase. He is an indicator and recommender of your brand.

3. Decision maker

Like its own name, it is responsible for the act of deciding. That is, who makes the purchase, where and how it will be purchased.

Example: a father who has the final word on whether to buy a cookie at the market or not.

4. Buyer

Complementary to the decision maker, he is the one who actually makes the purchase. That is, he is the one who pays for the service/product purchased.

5. User

Here it concerns the final consumer, the one who consumes or uses the product service.