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I no longer want to work at the company: what to do? Check out!

You may have already caught yourself thinking‚ I don't want to work for the company anymore. It is very common for people to feel unmotivated in their current positions and seek new career opportunities. If that's your case, don't worry, maybe the time has come to walk new professional paths, and we'll help you plan. 

There are many aspects that must be taken into account before moving, but with good planning, it will be possible to rethink your career and seek new challenges. In general, the main concern for those working under the CLT regime is the possibility of losing their rights. But it is necessary to better understand the rights of workers with a formal contract, and what they will give up. The first is the 30-day notice period. If the employee does not want to comply with this period, the employer may apply a fine proportional to his base salary. Another point to take into consideration is the guarantee fund. If dismissed, the employee receives 40% of the company, an amount that will not be added to the resignation request. Still, the FGTS, cannot be accessed in this case. Finally, those who resign cannot apply for unemployment insurance, an exclusive benefit for those who are fired.

I no longer want to work for the company

The above factors often weigh heavily, and people end up giving up on changing jobs to avoid these financial losses. But in the long run, this will tend to bring more problems, either for mental health or productivity. To make a better decision, check out some signs that you have reached the limit of your satisfaction:

  • You don't see growth within the company

  • Feels like you are accumulating functions, without financial compensation

  • I don't feel motivated to leave the house to work

  • Spends too much time of the day procrastinating

  • Doesn't get along with bosses and coordinators

If one or more options happen to you, it's time to listen to your instincts that indicate that you no longer want to work where you are, and change jobs.

How to begin?

If you have analyzed the signs and understood that the time has come to leave, then there is no need to rush. In fact, the ideal is to do good planning and prepare. Check out a step-by-step that can help you:

1- Discover your dream

To start, establish what you want from a new job. It could be better pay, more benefits, a bigger company or being closer to home. Maybe your dream is to switch careers, start your own business, or even take a sabbatical. The most important thing here is to define where you want to go next.

2- Plan yourself

Once you've determined what your next steps will be, you need to put down on paper what it will take to get there. Select companies that match the profile you want, or list other skills you'd like to use in another career. Also do some financial planning, as some changes may require investment. At this stage, it is also important to strengthen your network to be seen. Activate old work contacts, talk to people from companies and markets that interest you, and create new connections to increase your visibility.

3- Make a specialization

Have you ever stopped to think that what separates you from your dream job might be a specialization? Acquiring knowledge throughout life is essential to stand out in the job market, and professionals who invest in their studies can find better jobs. Today, there are many ways to do a specialization, even without leaving home. Those who want to study, but find it difficult to include classes in their routine, can bet on a post-EAD course, which adapts to their available schedules.

4- Update your resume and portfolio

It seems like an obvious tip, but it's imperative to keep your professional materials up to date with detailed information. Include successful cases with results and details for your contribution, highlight projects and achievements you've achieved throughout your career and show your work. If you think you don't have anything outstanding to show, this transition period can serve for that: seek to get involved at work and participate in activities that can generate value. Also keep your LinkedIn up-to-date, which can attract recruiters and increase your chances of being called for interviews.

5- Prepare for interviews

Selection processes have undergone changes and, if you haven't participated in one in a while, it may be out of date. Try to understand what recruiters are currently looking for. Know how to highlight your qualities and talk about your plans, defined in the first step. Pay attention to qualities that go beyond techniques and include soft skills, such as good teamwork, agility, and commitment among others. Leaving your comfort zone and looking for new challenges may not be easy, but if the voice inside you keeps saying ‚ I don't want to work for the company anymore. it's time to listen to it. With good planning, and following our tips, it is easier to give new career directions and seek professional satisfaction.