

Videos by JhunJhun

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Certainly, a trend in the current market is the appreciation of employees. Therefore, companies that focus on their employees stand out from others. That’s because human capital is essential for any business! One way to demonstrate this appreciation is through behavioral training, which increases the performance and engagement of professionals.

In addition, organizations that apply behavioral training also demonstrate that they are interested in the growth of their employees, not just profits. And when professionals feel valued, they tend to improve their results.

But what is behavioral training? That’s what we’re going to talk about today! Also learn how to do behavioral training, how to measure your results, what is its importance, and what are the benefits of behavioral training. Keep reading to find out more!

What is behavioral training?

Basically, behavioral training prepares and empowers employees. He is focused on bringing punctual and immediate results, so he usually communicates to the employee knowledge about technical issues necessary in the exercise of his function.

Behavioral training is a solution to the differences we find in organizations. As there are different people, it is practically impossible to apply the same training and extract the same results. But through behavioral training, it is possible to understand the best teaching method for each team and which skills should be worked on according to the competencies and behavioral characteristics of the employees.

Thus, behavioral training is the process of improving the attitudes, characteristics, and behavioral skills of professionals according to the principles of the organization.

It is worth mentioning that the objective of the training is not to take away the individuality of each one of the existing plurality in the company, after all, the differences contribute in a very positive way! However, it is important that, even though they are different, employees have a way of acting according to the values ​​and ethics of the company, and that allows them to live in harmony. Behavioral training, therefore, develops the profile of the employee, aligns relevant issues between teams, and corrects problems such as lack of communication, absenteeism, etc.

Before knowing how to do behavioral training, it is very important that the company understands the following aspects about the behavior of its employees:

  • Emotions: People have a lot of emotions, which will be expressed during their day. The point is not to repress emotions, but to know how to balance them within the work environment;
  • Transformations: when an employee starts working at the company, he has some dreams and expectations. But as time goes on, these thoughts change and he may develop other goals. The company must support and help you align your work with your goals.

How to do behavioral training?

Each contributor is unique. Everyone has their own personal and professional experiences that shape their characteristics and behaviors, both outside and within the work environment. However, when a professional has just arrived at a company, he needs to adapt some of his behaviors according to the organization’s values. And that’s where behavioral training comes in. Here’s how to set up behavioral training in three steps:

1 – Identify the profile of the collaborators

Remember how we sometimes emphasized differences between employees? Then. Some training must be applied to all employees (such as basic training on organizational culture, for example), but others must be directed only to certain professionals. These specific training will depend on specific needs, such as training for employees with punctuality problems, and training for leaders, among others. For this reason, it is necessary that, first, the profile of the employees is identified and then the necessary training is developed.

To be able to identify the profile, questionnaires, interviews, and dynamics, among others, can be applied.

2 – Analyze what needs improvement

After understanding the profile of the employees, it is necessary to identify the existing gaps compared to what the company expects from the behavior of its employees. By identifying the points for improvement, it will be possible to choose the training and courses to be given to achieve the intended improvements.

For example, if professionals are delivering less than expected, it is likely that they are experiencing problems with productivity. In view of this, the company must prepare training on productivity, and time management, among other aspects that will contribute to improving these deliveries.

3 – Organize the training

After identifying the profile, the gaps, and understanding which training to apply, the time has come to organize these trainings. Therefore, think about the following questions:

  • How will the content be structured: Will the company produce content internally or hire a company to produce it?
  • Who will be the training instructor: Will it be a manager of the organization itself or a hired professional?
  • Where will the training be delivered: Within the company, in another environment, or in a virtual way?
  • Which modality: In-person, distance, or hybrid?

After thinking about these issues, formalize the training through documents and talk to managers about the workload of each training and the release of personnel.

To help you better understand how to do behavioral training in practice, below, we list some types and examples of training that can be applied in your company. Check out!

Types and examples of behavioral training

Within the professional and corporate context, there are a number of skills to be developed to achieve career success and help the organization achieve great results. Here are some types of behavioral training that can help with this:

leadership development

This training is essential for anyone who wants management positions and wants to develop their leadership skills. The professional can learn ways to improve interpersonal relationships within the company, increase productivity, identify the real needs of teams, have a holistic view, set effective goals and objectives, motivate teams, and achieve excellent results!

How to speak in public

Another management-related training is on the ability to speak well in public. Even professionals who are not yet leaders face situations that require public speaking. Therefore, it is necessary that employees feel safe, have communication skills, know how to express themselves clearly, and defend their points of view. Through behavioral training, it is possible to work on issues such as: improving verbal and non-verbal communication, captivating the public, improving posture, decreasing shyness, controlling emotions, and knowing how to answer questions that may arise, among others.

Time management

It’s not uncommon to find professionals struggling to manage their time. But, it is extremely important that employees know how to manage their time effectively, to optimize their productivity, and bring better results to the organization.

Behavioral training on time management helps professionals to prioritize their activities, identify tasks in which they may be wasting their time, reduce procrastination and develop strategic planning of the processes performed.

Communication and interpersonal relationships

In every company, it is necessary to know how to communicate well and develop interpersonal relationships. Through good communication, professionals are able to talk about processes, hear different opinions, exchange feedback, delegate, and negotiate. A company with employees who value relationships and good communication can increase its performance and develop skills to increase its competitive edge.

crisis management

This type of behavioral training helps the individual deal with crises inside and outside the company. It is normal for crises and conflicts to occur in organizations. However, it is important to avoid and remedy these conflicts, as otherwise there may be losses for the company. Crisis management training improves the negotiation skills of the employee, who will seek a peaceful understanding between both parties and give continuity to the work routine.

dealing with change

Many professionals still have difficulty dealing with changes and adapting to market trends. We are currently experiencing an example of this. With the social distance caused by the pandemic of the new coronavirus, professionals found themselves in the need to adapt their way of working, a drastic change for some.

But, it is important to emphasize that changes will always happen and, both professionals and companies, need to follow this movement.

Behavioral training focused on the ability to deal with change helps the professional to be more flexible, suffer less from changes, and understand that it is a natural movement of the market.

Other examples of behavioral training:

  • Personal and professional motivation;
  • Emotional intelligence;
  • Creativity and innovation;
  • Proactivity ;
  • Ethics in the work environment;
  • Communication.

The examples above demonstrate ways to improve specific and timely aspects of employee behavior. However, the company that adopts behavioral training continuously, based on the profile of the employees, manages to generate several benefits for the professionals, individually, for the teams, and for the company as a whole! Check out some of the benefits of behavioral training below.

Benefits of behavioral training

  • More satisfied and motivated professionals;
  • Improved professional posture;
  • Development of good habits;
  • More productive teams;
  • Harmony in everyday work;
  • Self-knowledge of employees;
  • Strengthening teams;
  • Improved communication;
  • Leadership development;
  • Decreased turnover;
  • Cost reduction.