

Videos by Yoonmyatthu


There are several ways to gain more followers on Instagram, in addition to the essential recommendations for a profile, such as:

  • Creation of a unique visual identity that represents the brand in an attractive way;
  • Engagement with accounts that are related to the business niche;
  • Use of hashtags that promote greater reach.

We’ve separated 10 strategies on how to gain more followers on Instagram, check it out now!

Create a business profile

This first tip does not directly imply obtaining a greater number of followers, but it is the initial step to be able to closely monitor all the metrics and accounts achieved.

Through a company profile, you can enter contact data and make ads that will bring your content to more users.

You can also use the feature called Insights. With it, it’s simple to find out the times when your followers are most active and interact more with publications, as well as knowing what type of content caught the attention of users the most.

Link Instagram to other social networks

One way to publicize your profile and gain more followers on Instagram is to advertise your account on the other social networks you have.

To do so, simply access the application’s options area, click on “linked accounts”, and after that, on “settings” and select the preferred alternatives.

Once this is done, the posts made on Instagram can be automatically shared on the platforms you have linked, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr, among others.

In this way, the reach of your content increases, and the profile will be discovered by other users, increasing the chances of new followers.

Know everything about your audience

It’s critical that your profile attracts the right kind of followers, who can become potential customers. For that, it is necessary to take the time to observe, things like:

  • What kind of people is the brand aimed at?
  • Who is the audience most interested in your content? Men? Women?
  • What is the age range of people who interact with your posts?
  • What do these people like? What is their purchasing power?

This analysis is the first big step toward developing an effective Content Marketing strategy for your Instagram.

Do research on brands that produce products and offer services similar to yours and see how people interact with them. Access the profiles of competitors and be aware of the main posts they make and the hashtags they use the most.

Make frequent posts

Have you ever heard that popular saying that goes: “Who is not seen, is not remembered?” It works just like that with Instagram. Maintaining the frequency of publications is the correct way to retain your audience.

Your followers need you to be present on the platform and to post updated content at all times, that’s why people follow your profile, they want to see what’s new.

When users interact with your posts, engagement increases, making the Instagram algorithm take a closer look at your profile, indicating it to more people.

By establishing a frequency of posts, you will certainly gain more followers.

Support your account engagement

Your content needs interaction, and you can help with that mission. It is critical that you take the first step and encourage people to interact with your posts.

Creating content that is related to the brand, influences other people in the same area. A great option is to respond to comments made on your post through other questions, which will lead the user to spend more time on your profile.

In addition to sustaining your account’s engagement, you demonstrate that you care about your followers’ opinions and take the time to express them.

Sponsor your posts

As with ads made on Facebook, the use of sponsored posts on Instagram promotes targeting the brand’s audience of interest.

Take advantage of sponsored posts to publicize events, draw the attention of people who do not yet follow the profile, offer advantages, and create promotions, among other things that will make the user interested in your content, especially those who do not yet follow you.

This way, other people will have access to your posts, increasing the chances of them following the profile.

Remember that sponsored posts are not free and need to be well planned for the best possible results.

Use hashtags and keywords

Before people follow your profile, they need to find you, right? And among so many others, yours needs to stand out.

Since 2017, Instagram has released the feature of following hashtags, that is, people can follow them as if they were someone’s profile.

So, using those that are related to the niche you work in, you double the chances of getting more followers on Instagram.

You can also use the search fields to find out which hashtags best fit the brand.

When used correctly, hashtags are great allies to conquer an active and engaged audience.

Remember that the limit for using hashtags is 30 per post, however, it is recommended that you use them sparingly, a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10.

Another option very similar to hashtags is the use of attractive keywords that get a good volume of search, making it an interesting strategy to reach more followers on Instagram.

If your profile is personalized for parties, it is essential to highlight in the publication the keywords that most relate to the niche, such as: “personalized for parties”, and “party souvenirs”, among others.

This way, users searching for similar words will find your profile and follow you.

Publish stories, especially interactive ones

Stories is one of the features that drive more engagement on Instagram. This is because, through it, it is possible to share photos, videos, behind-the-scenes of the company, polls and so much other information that brings the profile closer to the public.

In addition to making the account more humanized, it ensures the interest of people who follow the stories daily and can refer other users.

Publishing interactive stories is an excellent idea because when you encourage a person to take a certain action, like answering a poll, for example, they will do it and that will increase account engagement.

With the increase in interaction, the possibility of attracting more followers is even higher.

Use carousel format posts

Posts in a carousel format on Instagram allow multiple photos to be inserted into a single post.

In addition to the possibility of showing more products and services in a single content, it also gives you the option to provide relevant information directly in the post and not just in the caption.

This type of content generates a lot of engagement because it promotes the user’s sense of curiosity to pass the images to accompany the reading.

Through the carousel format, users stay longer on the profile and interact more.

Write interesting captions and don’t forget the CTA

Most people still think that because it’s a visual social network, Instagram doesn’t value written content, and that’s a huge mistake.

Try investing in captions and interesting short texts that inspire your audience to read the post to the end.

Consider asking questions, and starting the post with relevant stories or information that matches the photo being posted.

Captions are a powerful engagement tool, but they should be consistent with what the post wants to express.

In addition, you cannot forget to use CTAs, also called Call-to-Actions, which in translation means: calls to action, which are characterized by inviting the user to interact with the content.

CTAs invite the reader to comment, like, share or send your post to other people, in addition to encouraging them to visit your website or subscribe to your newsletter.

Remember that calls to action must refer to the post, that is, they must be consistent with the published content. This increases engagement and helps you gain more followers.