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Networking: understand the importance for your career

Networking is nothing more than creating a network of contacts. And as simple as it may seem, this little word has been gaining more and more prominence in the business world. It doesn't matter if you are happy with your current job, if you have plans to change careers, or if you are looking for a promotion in the company. In any of the scenarios, networking is an initiative that can offer numerous benefits for your career.

Currently, it has become essential to establish connections throughout your professional career. This is because many job openings are filled through referrals. And networking is exactly that: building a solid professional network of contacts, with the aim of exchanging experiences and enhancing opportunities through the network. However, despite being a small word, establishing a strong network of contacts is not an easy task. But in the long run, it can be very beneficial.

What is networking?

In summary, it is a network of professional contacts in which people exchange information and knowledge. It is a way of strengthening professional relationships between people with interests and often careers and professions‚ in common. Its concept also revolves around a person's proactive attempts to develop and maintain personal and/or professional relationships that are primarily intended to benefit both of their careers. By maintaining these relationships, you end up expanding your networking with people who can offer you ideals, support, indications, and valuable information that can be used throughout your career. And regardless of your professional goals. In addition, it is worth remembering that the network of relationships is composed of different profiles. So, you need to know how to treat each of these profiles, without seeming like a false and interesting relationship, as many people think networking is. And as you seek and find new contacts along your path, you need to cultivate the old ones, precisely so that there is no impression of a network. After all, true networking is based on long-term exchange relationships. It is a space based on collaboration, reciprocity, and interdependence. Maintaining good relationships is fundamental for anyone, and can provide numerous benefits. See in the next topic which is the main ones.

Networking and career success: what is the importance?

Whether it's to obtain relevant information, to deepen relationships with important influences in your area of expertise, or to make your business better known. Whatever your goal, cultivating a good network of contacts can make a positive impact on your personal and/or professional life. Living with and having the support of inspiring people is a great opportunity to improve your ideals, gain professional visibility and increase your creative potential. That is, staying connected with the right people is an advantageous initiative to improve growth opportunities. As well as to improve the knowledge that will make you reach your career goals. For those who are starting to undertake, or are already an entrepreneur, networking will open the doors to several business opportunities, conquer new customers, connect with investors and suppliers, increase the visibility of your company, and exchange experiences. That way makes your business promising and successful. In addition, whether in personal or professional life, establishing good relationships can help maintain quality and job satisfaction. And yet, it can help you improve your results in the company. Another benefit of cultivating good relationships is within organizations. In other words, when you cultivate good relationships, you facilitate cooperation in your work routine and improve the organizational climate. So, in the end, everyone wins companies, professionals, and you, for developing important skills in the job market.

Strengthening your personal brand

Your personal brand is the way you work your image in front of the market. That is, the way you establish your personal marketing. When many people speak well of you or recommend you for a leader, the chances of the leader wanting to rely on your knowledge and skills to occupy a position increase. For your brand to be strengthened, you must have more than experience and a degree from a good university. In addition to specific knowledge, techniques, and skills, you need to have a good support network. And for that, you should start investing in networking as soon as possible. In this way, you can increase the probability of standing out in scenarios where competition is very high. In this sense, to help you in this process, we have separated below a list of tips for good networking and increasing your opportunities for career success. Keep reading to check it out.

Tips for good networking

Surely, you've heard of successful cases of people who got jobs because they did a good job in the places where they passed. Often, these people's contact network is their strong point, and whenever a good opportunity appears in the market, these people are remembered. Thus, there are several ways to create a good network of professional contacts. Below, we will list a series of strategies that can help you in this process, check it out:

Seek to cultivate relationships with a common interest

Having people around is a good personal and professional strategy. However, not every relationship should be maintained within your professional network. Sometimes it is necessary to identify what are professional contacts and what are personal contacts. And vice versa. To avoid problems, identify in your network of contacts (friends, work colleagues, family, and acquaintances) who are the people with whom you have the most affinity. Lasting relationships are those that speak the same language, share the same interests and manage to establish a reciprocal relationship of exchanging information and knowledge. Having the same interests is a great way to stay current in your network, and also to establish your presence and your personal brand. Well, it will be much more pleasant to keep your network active.

Always cultivate your network

And speaking of keeping the network active: always cultivate contacts. Even if you're not currently in the job market (and don't even intend to return in the short term). Even if you are not looking for an outplacement or are already satisfied with your current position, maintaining a solid network of contacts is a valuable initiative at any point in your career. In other words, this relationship needs to be done on a regular basis, even when you're not in need of something specific. Also, it's important to keep some kind of record of these contacts. A good way to stay active and strengthen networking is through LinkedIn. If you are still starting to create your network and don't know where to start, participate in fairs, workshops, conferences and even online events to start creating your network. At these events, don't expect people to take the initiative to talk to you. Take the first step and start meeting people who are interested in forming professional ties. But, be careful not to overdo it and not give the wrong impression of being an opportunistic person. Do it as naturally as possible. This contact must be real and beneficial for both parties.

Be on the lookout for opportunities

Before thinking about seeking people for your network who hold high positions, think that you should value people and not positions. There is a very large market of smart, ambitious people who, even early in their careers, can be great connections. And, as much as these people are not yet great influences, they can build a promising relationship for your development. Remember that it is a time for exchanges, it must be reciprocal and the relationship must be built over time. Therefore, every opportunity must be seized. After all, the best opportunities arise from reciprocal connections that are at the same pace. In addition, it is much easier to meet someone who is entering the job market than professionals with already established careers. Especially if you are at the beginning of this network development process.

Focus on quality, not quantity

In short, when thinking about networking, quality always comes before quantity. There is a misconception about meeting as many people as possible. But, the truth is, opportunities don't come when you don't know who to look for. When you have a smaller, quality, and strengthened network, it becomes much easier to take advantage of opportunities. Especially because knowing many professionals superficially will not add any value to your personal and/or professional development. There is also no correct number to identify. So evaluate who is important to you. Each interaction should be special and will adjust according to your goals.

Always take care of your network

Once you've identified the people you should keep in your network, make sure you maintain regular contact with people. But, no forcing the bar. After all, these interactions need to be friendly, sincere and proactive. Talk to these people at least three months a year. Always remind them about yourself, about what your goals are. And make yourself available to help when they need it. And just by talking to people, it will be possible to find a space to be useful in people's lives.

Be visible

Do you know that expression only those who are seen are remembered? Yeah, in a network of contacts, it's true. Not everyone has an implacable memory, and when it comes to nominating a colleague, if he is not there making his presence known, he will certainly not be remembered. Therefore, in addition to taking care of your network, it is important to keep your networks always updated with your professional information. And when you can, publish interesting content for your network of contacts. In addition, outside the digital environment, it is also possible to network. At an event, for example, if you meet a colleague from college or a colleague from a company you worked for a long time, say hello and exchange information. But, of course, without embarrassing him. Make this encounter as productive and natural as possible. Meetings can mean great opportunities.

Always invest in your development

The courses, the classroom, the academic environment is not just an opportunity to improve your experience. But it's a way to meet people who can help you climb a few more steps in your career. In addition, for those who are in contact with students and different cultures, it is able to promote the development of social skills, such as confidence, empathy, authenticity, autonomy, leadership, and many others. All these skills can help you position yourself as someone interesting, making people and even companies want to know your professional capabilities. So, if possible, never stop studying.

Extra tips on how to create and maintain a network

In conclusion, to help you create and maintain a good network, we separate some more specific tips. Check below:

  • Speak, but also listen. It's very unpleasant to talk to someone who feels like he's in a monologue. Don't be that person.

  • Take a creative and sincere approach. Authenticity is ideal for getting attention, and for making other people want to connect with you.

  • Never stop working on your interpersonal skills. If you consider yourself too shy or believe that you have a lot of difficulties expressing yourself, especially in public, invest in an oratory or even theater course. After all, knowing how to express yourself and communicate clearly is very important.

  • The first impression remains. Despite being a click phrase, in these moments it is more than true. Therefore, always seek to pass the best possible image.

  • Participate in important events in your area of expertise. In addition to putting you in contact with people with interests in common with yours, it is an excellent opportunity for your professional development.

  • Finally, always show a real interest in others, and never speak ill of other people. Not even with people you have more affinity with. Be an honest person, above all.