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All people like and need recognition in different areas of life. They feel good when they are valued, encouraged, and admired by others. And when we talk in the professional sense, recognition is even more important. Having their work recognized and receiving professional rewards, the professional feel more motivated, and this also ends up contributing to the company.

Thinking about the advantages that the professional valorization of the employee represents for the company and for the employee, we prepared this text. Here, you will discover what professional recognition is, how to offer it through some techniques, and stay on top of everything on the subject.

What is professional recognition?

Professional appreciation goes far beyond a good salary. Specialist in behavioral sciences, Dr. Ashley Whillans of Harvard Business School summarized this issue concisely: “Money is important to people, but it’s not all that matters. What really matters in the workplace is helping professionals feel valued.”

Professional recognition is offering employees a positive view of the work they perform. It doesn’t just mean promotions or salary increases. While it also involves these professional rewards, recognition goes far beyond that. We can even see this fact when we analyze the behavior of the most recent generations: Generation Y (born after the 1980s) and Generation Z (born in the 1990s). These generations are not just looking for good salaries or cash bonuses. Money is good, but it’s not everything – not even the main thing.

Young people want to be happy and satisfied with their work. And part of that satisfaction comes from the fact that they need to feel like they’re being useful and making a difference to the company. All of this is part of this professional appreciation. So when leaders recognize their work, they contribute to that satisfaction.

No wonder it is not uncommon to see, especially among younger people, times when they prefer to change jobs because they are not satisfied with their current one. In search of satisfaction and professional recognition, they opt for new opportunities, even if the new job is a little less profitable.

How important is professional recognition?

We can say that professional recognition is an essential part of every human being, even reflecting on their personal fulfillment. Each person is unique; he has his own dreams, goals, desires, and objectives, and he thinks differently than anyone else. So it has its own way of feeling recognized. And then, when she receives professional recognition and appreciation, she feels more motivated, proactive, committed, focused, and, above all, happy.

In addition, professional recognition is given not only as a benefit to the employee but also to the company. Among the main benefits for the organization are motivation and engagement. As a result, employees improve their productivity and achieve great results.

4 famous phrases about professional recognition

Here are some phrases that can motivate you and demonstrate the importance of professional recognition:

  • “Of all debts, the most sacred is that of recognition.” – Benjamin Franklin;
  • “Necessarily, the intelligent man does not insist on praise, but on recognition.” – Eanes;
  • “Recognition is the best fuel to energize your team.” – Fernando Fernandes;
  • “Personal fulfillment is the greatest achievement of a professional, but the recognition of others is what makes this event so special.” – Estefane Farias Ferreira.

How to offer professional recognition to employees?

Get to know some of the main professional recognition techniques that you can apply in your company to value your employees!

Give positive feedback

If an employee makes a mistake or does something negative, it’s common for the leader to get his attention and talk to him. In the same way that the employee needs to be reprimanded and advised when he is wrong, he also needs to receive praise when he is right. It’s too bad to always have to hear warnings and never hear praise.

Receiving positive feedback is very important and significantly influences employee performance. They improve their work and feel important to the organization. With this, the employee feels that he is on the right path and that he contributes positively with his work.

In addition, when you present to the team the results that a certain action of an employee has brought to the company, you motivate other employees. They feel inspired and take the attitude of the employee in question as an example.

Offer flexible hours

Most companies, especially older and more traditional ones, determine the exact hours of their employees. But, if the professional is committed, responsible and has good results, why not let him work at the most suitable time for him? Some may start work at 8 am, others at 10 am, etc. Regardless of the time it starts, the important thing is to produce and work enough hours in the month.

Currently, there are tools that allow this control of hours. Therefore, there will be no problems if it is something well planned and organized. In addition, it is certain that, when it comes to a good professional, he will be in the company when asked.

Flexible working hours are one of the ways to offer professional recognition, as the company demonstrates that it takes into account the employee’s behavioral profile, which also enables good results. It is also a way of showing that you trust the employee. More than that. Making the hours flexible reveals a relationship of trust between the company and the employee.

Caring for the employee’s professional growth

Employees need to feel that companies care about their professional growth. For this, they can offer professional rewards. One way to demonstrate this care is by supporting the evolution of your collaborator by offering help for him to take courses, postgraduate courses, etc.

If the subsistence allowance is not a viable alternative for the company, managers can talk to each other and recommend books, websites, and other types of resources to their employees, according to their needs, areas of interest, and activity. The important thing is that the company shows that it cares and, therefore, acts in search of boosting the evolution of its staff. This is one of the most effective professional recognition techniques that demonstrate professional appreciation.

Thinking about professional recognition programs

The company must think of strategies capable of demonstrating professional recognition and valuing employees. Leaders can do this by creating healthy competition, for example. You can set goals and reward employees if they achieve them. These goals need evaluation criteria (such as sales, customer satisfaction, etc.), as well as being clear and transparent. Rewards can involve bonuses, and travel, among other things. You just have to be careful that this doesn’t create a rivalry between team members. After all, it is important to maintain a healthy climate and encourage collaboration and respect among professionals.

Another good tip is to create a way to publicize the work and success of one team to the others. Thus, the company demonstrates that it values ​​its employees and their teams. In addition to expanding the professional recognition, they will receive.

In addition to these tips, there are other alternatives that you can use to think about your company’s profile and values.

Monitor the work of employees

Leaders should not only care about the results but also about the path and process taken to reach the final result. In this way, a leader is able to better understand how the employee produces, the difficulties he has, and his evolution, and is able to help him in whatever it takes.

Showing that you are attentive to the employee and that you care about him shows that you are really interested in his evolution and success. Always try to make it clear how important it is for the team, for the organizational processes to go well, for achieving results, and for the success of the company as a whole.

Talk to the collaborator

In addition to talking to the entire team, try to communicate with the employee individually. Listen to their opinions, ask how they feel, what they think of the company’s processes and customs, and how they are doing with other employees. If they are satisfied with their work, etc. The important thing is to let him speak and listen carefully.

When you feel that an employee is unmotivated or having trouble performing a task, call them to talk and find a solution to the problem together. This is one of the strongest forms of professional recognition. As it demonstrates that the employee is noticed and that their well-being and satisfaction are important to the company.

Delegate important tasks

For some people, there is no greater reward than the constant demonstration of confidence in their work. Then, you can show your appreciation by allowing them to lead projects that are important and will have more visibility – especially the ones you would normally run.

Allow them to choose their tasks. Listen to your ideas and let them be free to manage their time and activities, without micromanaging the team all the time.

Give thanks

When was the last time you just said thank you? Some managers take it for granted that employees are there to do the work that is asked of them and feel that, as expected, there is no need for a thank you.

However, a thank you can be effective, as well as a simple way to show appreciation. You might think it doesn’t matter, but there’s a noticeable difference in attitude between a team that your boss thanks periodically, versus one that doesn’t.