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3 tips to make happiness a reality

 When a new cycle begins, people usually take the opportunity to reflect on what will make this new moment worth it. It is time to project the future, aspire to new horizons, and set new goals.

Each individual has their particular desires, but feeling full, happy, and fulfilled is a goal shared by all! However, what actually in practice contributes to achieving this positive state in a true and lasting way in our lives?

The answer to this question has been sought since ancient times. The most direct conclusion is that there is no specific formula to achieve happiness, but essential factors that promote human well-being. 

It is a simple task, and precisely because of this the individual feels some difficulty, as he is educated from childhood to deal with the complex. It is a constant exercise, which, like bathing, must be performed daily!

Some attitudes can help to reduce the distance between now and the moment of full happiness. In the following article, we will give you some tips on how to become more prone to happiness. So how about checking out how you can change your context? 

How to make happiness a reality?

The Greek philosopher Epicurus (341 BC and 270 BC), was one of the greatest scholars of happiness. He believed that this quest could be achieved through 3 simple and powerful habits check them out below:

  1. Have friends

Epicurus pointed out that friendship makes the individual more complete, he said that we should not eat alone, not even a mere snack. Today, it is not enough to just meet friends sporadically or keep in touch by phone or the internet.

You must have permanent companions, who see each other in person frequently. We live in the digital age and this has brought us a series of facilities such as the internet. However, it also changed our understanding of being present.

How many times, instead of going out with a friend to chat, have you sent messages through a social network? Technological tools should be used as allies to make our lives more practical, but they cannot keep us away from those we love.

So, the practical tip to becoming someone potentially happier is to cultivate close friendships. Bet on more face-to-face moments and leave social media for those occasions when it's really not possible to be really close. 

  1. Seek freedom

The second ingredient pointed out by Epicurus is freedom. It is associated with financial independence, self-sufficiency, and detachment from “petty everyday” factors such as gossip, competitiveness, and the opinion of others.

Being free means not being tied to the opinion of others or to external factors, such as objects, for example. A truly free person does not need to consume to feel happier about himself.

The free person is the one who is enough and, even so, is open to relating to others. One of the goals of those on the path of personal development should be to find happiness in moments with themselves. 

Once you are happy being alone with yourself, you can be happy without dependence on other people. In other words, you have to love yourself before you love those around you. Being happy with you means not depending on others to feel peaceful and fulfilled.

  1. Have a well-analyzed life

Epicurus refers to moments reserved for reflection on his own life, the individual who takes the time to analyze what ails him, reduces anxiety, and becomes more serene. In this sense, it is necessary to disconnect from the hustle of everyday life and the distractions of the world, looking for a quiet place to dedicate to this practice.

Dedicating yourself to self-knowledge is very important to build a life on solid foundations. Having moments to just observe your own thoughts makes all the difference at the end of the day. 

A good way to have a well-analyzed life is to have a professional follow-up. This is a way of looking at your personal issues more fondly. Judging yourself less rigorously is crucial to becoming a person more prepared for happiness.