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Top 10 most expensive NFTs in the world

This is the list of the 10 most expensive NFTs in the world:

  1. Everydays: the First 5000 Days , Beeple: $69.3 million
  2. Clock , Julian Assange and Pak: $52.7 million
  3. Human One, Beeple: $28.9 million
  4. CryptoPunk #5822 , Larva Labs: $23.7 million
  5. CryptoPunk #7523 , Larva Labs: $11.7 million
  6. CryptoPunk #4156 , Larva Labs: $10.2 million
  7. CryptoPunk #5577 , Larva Labs: $7.7 million
  8. CryptoPunk #3100 , Larva Labs: $7.57 million
  9. CryptoPunk #7804 , Larva Labs: $7.56 million
  10. Right-click and Save As Guy , XCOPY: $7 million

It is necessary to consider that this list is based on the amount paid at the time of sale of each NFT.

As this market is constantly changing, it could be that at the time you are reading this article, astronomical new NFT trades have taken place. Even the NFTs on this list may have sold for much less later.

That said, now check out what each of the NFTs on this list represent and why they were bought for such a high price:

1. Everydays: The First 5000 Days – $69.3 million

The most expensive NFT in the world is the work of digital artist Beeple. The art became famous not only for its impressive price, but also for being an NFT work sold at a major auction house. The sale took place at Christie’s, one of the most important art companies in the world.

In May 2007, Michael Winkelmann, known as Beeple, posted a new artwork online. He did the same thing for 5000 days and all these works were brought together in a single collage, which was named “Everydays: The First 5000 Days”.

The sale of this NFT for over $69 million in March 2021 has significantly contributed to attracting media attention and generating awareness for NFTs.

The buyer was Metakovan, founder and CEO of Metapurse, an NFT investment fund.

2. Clock – $52.7 million

Clock is the second most expensive NFT in the world was sold in February 2022, for 52.7 million dollars .

The work is a creation of the artist PAK, who raised funds for the defense of Julian Assange after his controversial arrest in 2019, accused of spying on the US government, mainly due to his connection with the WikiLeaks website.

The piece displays a counter for the number of days Assange spent in prison. NFT was purchased by AssangeDAO, a decentralized autonomous organization ( DAO ).

3. Human One – $28.9 million

Another work by the artist Beeple, Human One was sold for 28.9 million dollars in November 2021, also through the renowned auction house Christie’s.

The NFT is Beeple’s first physics art. It is a video sculpture with 3D movement, displayed on 4 opposing screens, which shows an infinite film of an astronaut exploring different scenarios.

One of the most interesting points about this work is that it continues to be updated over time by Beeple, dynamically linking the physical with the digital.

With that, Beeple’s work once again reinforced the value of the NFT segment as an art market.

4. CryptoPunk #5822 – $23.7 million

The non-fungible CryptoPunk #5822 token is part of one of the most famous and valuable NFT collections in the world. CryptoPunks are currently number two on the list of most traded collections, according to the DappRadar website .

This is a collection of 10,000 digital arts created in 2017 by Larva Labs on Ethereum. CrytoPunks are unique and collectible pixel avatars.

With all its success, the project inspired the CryptoArt movement that boosted other similar projects , such as the famous monkeys of the Bored Ape Club.

5. CryptoPunk #7523 – $11.7 million

CryptoPunk #7523 is another one of the rare aliens that make up the collection. He became known as the “COVID Alien” because of his face mask, which further contributed to the repercussions of this NFT .

The sale took place through Sotheby’s, a leading art auction company focused on decorative art, jewelry and collectibles.

6. CryptoPunk #4156 – $10.2 million

One more CryptoPunk to the list. This time, NFT is one of the 24 punk monkeys in the collection. In December 2021, punk #4156 sold for $10 million.

Even though it was not the biggest sale among the NFTs in the collection, the item is very famous in the NFT environment for being closely linked to the personality of its buyer of the same name: Punk4156, in addition to the fact that the piece is involved in discussions about copyright of the creators in 2021.

7. CryptoPunk #5577 – $7.7 million

And the CryptoPunks’ list of landmark sales goes on. Punk number #5577 sold for $7.7 million in a most recent purchase in February 2022. The likely buyer was Robert Leshner, CEO of Compound Finance.

8. CryptoPunk #3100 – $7.57 million

In March 2021, the NFT was sold for 7.57 million USD (4200 ETH) by an anonymous buyer.

9. CryptoPunk #7804 – $7.56 million

The NFT was purchased for US$7.56 million in March 2021 by NFT collector peruggia.

10. Right-click and Save As Guy – $7 million

Finally, we have the digital art “Right-click and Save As Guy” by XCOPY, known for his dark, abstract and dystopian style.

His pieces usually have a grainy effect and scratches in movement, which marked the NFT sector. The item was sold for 7 million USD in December 2021.

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