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10 tips on how to write a good resume

If you want to get the job of your dreams, follow the tips we've prepared and learn how to write a good resume. Enjoy reading!

1. Include the right contacts

It may seem like an incredibly silly mistake, but it is often made: not entering or mistakenly entering contacts on the resume.

A mistake when filling in your cell phone number or a character missing from your email address can mean that the recruiter never actually reaches you.

Such a failure is a good reason for your resume to be eliminated right away, without you having your skills or experience evaluated. This happens not because of the error itself, but because of inattention when reviewing the document, which is an indication that this characteristic of yours may be recurrent after hiring.

Therefore, check your contact information several times, check that the telephone number and e-mail have been entered and that the data is correct.

2. Present the chronology of your experiences

A resume should be thought of as a general guide to information about your career path. This does not mean that you necessarily need to cite all experiences: if there are many, just focus on those that make the most sense.

Choosing the information that will be presented and how it will be distributed throughout the curriculum is the first step before putting ideas on paper. A good organization of information and knowing how to write a resume are elements that can drastically change the way a recruiter perceives your candidacy.

Adopting the chronological criterion is a good strategy in this case, especially because it helps HR professionals to understand their journey and follow their development according to the opportunities presented.

The practical tip is: start with the most recent experience and advance to the oldest. You can include information such as the name of the company, the start and end years of the contract, and the position you held. The activities you performed also deserve attention. Don't forget to enter only those experiences that are relevant to the job you are looking for.

3. Detail the activities carried out

Part of writing an effective resume is knowing what to put in each field clearly and objectively. It is when describing the activities carried out that many people sin. You really should include what you did in each of the positions, but in a summarized and objective way.

Therefore, when indicating that you worked at a company for a certain period, be sure to mention what you did while working there. Confused about what information to submit? Put yourself in the recruiter's shoes.

If you were looking for the ideal professional for a certain job, which experiences would be really relevant? Below are practical tips on how this can be done:

  • create a list of all the activities you performed at that job;

  • from that list, select five or six that you consider most important;

  • when listing activities in the curriculum, start with the most important ones;

  • limit yourself to one line per task;

  • be sure to mention your achievements throughout your professional history within that company.

4. Be true and prove it true

Many candidates want to boost their resumes and end up exaggerating when putting together the document. Be careful not to increase your qualifications and knowledge. Be very truthful with everything you include in it and, preferably, prove what you say in the document.

If you are indicating courses and training, have the certificates and diplomas in hand, in case the recruiter requests them. If you include previous positions and experiences, make available the contact of a former supervisor (always with authorization) who can confirm the information.

5. Present your career goals

The curriculum cannot be seen as a static document. It is being built as you go through your professional journey. Therefore, in addition to the experiences you already have and the skills you have developed, it is important to point out where you are going, that is, what achievements you still want.

Your career goals say a lot about how committed you are to your development. The company can only gain from this and, for this reason, recruiters tend to be interested in those who are focused on growing.

Don't forget to tie your ambitions and expectations to the gains that the company can obtain from them. This can make all the difference for the company and set you apart from other candidates.

6. Review, review, review

Proofreading is an essential step, first because it helps you identify more superficial errors, such as spelling, grammar and typing. Second, it allows you to have a second opinion on what you've written .

Use and abuse this tip of ours: the ideal is to write your resume in a moment, wait a few hours (or days) and read it again, trying to improve your placements even more.

When you write, be it a resume, an email or a message, you should always put yourself in the shoes of the recipient of the message. Therefore, in the specific case of the curriculum, a golden tip is: always exercise the recruiter's point of view and try to understand which are the points that most call attention in your presentation.

If you are unsure about the final text of your resume, it might be interesting to ask for a second opinion from someone you trust. Preferably, choose someone who is immersed in the job market and has knowledge and experience that they can add.

7. Showcase your professional skills

Recruiters evaluate several issues when they read the resume, and one of them is soft skills . The term refers to soft skills, more related to an individual's personality, that impact the quality of their work.

Among the tips for those who want to know how to write a good CV, we cannot fail to mention the description of soft skills. Below, we list some of the characteristics most valued by recruiters. Include in your resume all those that are aligned with your personal profile:

  • communication skills: the professional who knows how to communicate — verbally and in writing — can perform his activities more efficiently, bringing benefits to the company;

  • time management: is the ability to make intelligent use of time, performing tasks within the deadline and meeting the goals set;

  • ability to solve problems: refers to the ability to solve impasses and difficulties that arise during the exercise of professional activities;

  • flexibility: the ability to adapt to different situations and contexts;

  • ability to deal with pressure: ease of keeping calm and solving problems, even in the face of deadlines and complex and tense situations;

  • self-confidence: the ability to trust yourself and get the most out of your qualities. It also refers to the ability to recognize your own defects without letting them prevent you from performing activities;

  • ability to work in a team: regardless of the activity carried out, it is important that the professional has the ability to work, communicate and relate to other people, whether they are from the same sector or from other areas of the business.

8. Talk about your experiences and personal tastes

Throughout the curriculum, you will describe your technical skills, courses, training and other relevant data linked to your knowledge. It will also highlight which soft skills reflect your personal skills.

In addition to everything, it is interesting to describe your experiences and personal tastes. As you have already talked about your previous professional activities, take advantage of this space to talk about yourself, your interests and aspects that may attract the attention of the recruiter.

The idea of ​​the resume is to show the company your main skills and abilities and generate interest in scheduling an interview. Therefore, talking about personal tastes can be a good idea. If you enjoy reading, play a musical instrument, join a book club, be sure to mention it.

9. Use a good resume template

Regardless of whether you are looking for your first job or not, it is essential to pay attention to the resume model that will be used. A common mistake is choosing formats that make a bad impression on recruiters. Although there is no rule, some good practices can be observed:

  • use fonts that facilitate reading, such as Arial and Verdana;

  • use size 12 for the body text, and titles/subtitles with size 16 and/or 14;

  • keep the layout clean;

  • if the curriculum is printed, choose the automatic color of the text editor, white sheet, size A4.

It is worth noting that some occupations linked to creativity may escape the rule. A graphic designer's resume, for example, usually has a different look that reflects the candidate's skills.

However, this creative footprint only applies to specific occupations. If you are not applying for such a position, it is worth focusing on the more traditional and minimalist format.

10. Be careful when inserting the photo

This is probably one of your doubts about how to make a good resume. After all, is it necessary to put a photo or not?

A few years ago, recruiters required the submission of a resume with a photo. Today, in general, companies do not usually oblige this. Although it is not a necessity, the candidate has the free choice to decide whether he wants to include such information in the curriculum.

If you opt for a photo, keep in mind the need to send a professional image. Be sure to check out our tips:

  • the photograph must be in 3x4 format;

  • high-resolution image;

  • White background;

  • formal facial expression;

  • basic clothes that reflect the clothes you use in the work environment;

  • not to use selfie-type photos and any other type of informal image.

If the company does not request a photo, there is no need to send it. Therefore, the tip is to avoid including photography to keep the resume with a cleaner layout.