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What are the biggest advantages of studying remotely? understand here

One of the major obstacles for those who have already entered the job market is being able to reconcile their professional routine with continuing education. In this scenario, the possibility of studying at a distance appears as the ideal solution to the problem.

Distance education is a teaching modality that takes the faculty into the student's home. Thus, he has the opportunity to put into practice plans to acquire new knowledge that can boost his career, helping him to achieve his professional goals.

If you are still in doubt about the benefits of joining the EAD modality, this article is perfect for you! Next, we will present the main advantages of studying remotely. Check out!


One of the most striking features of distance education is, without a doubt, the flexibility and versatility that accompany this course format. Since the teaching-learning process takes place in a virtual environment, the student has complete freedom to assemble the study plan that best fits their reality.

This means that it is possible to study at any time, at flexible times, unlike what happens in the face-to-face modality, when the student needs to attend classes at the educational institution on predefined days and times. For those who have a busy routine, with formal work and other responsibilities, this is the way to reconcile all activities without one interfering with the other.

This flexibility extends to where the student can study. In addition to choosing the schedules, he also has control over the environment where he will access the curricular contents. It can be at home, between work hours, or even in a waiting room. All material is available to be accessed at any time when it is most appropriate.

Reduced cost

In the EAD modality, the educational institution does not have to bear expenses such as the salaries of several teachers in the classroom, teaching one class at a time. There are also no expenses with paper printing and physical space, among other costs that weigh on the budget.

Thus, the distance education system is more affordable than the face-to-face one, which ends up reflected in the amount charged to students. In this way, the student finds tuition at a lower cost compared to the values ​​practiced in face-to-face teaching.

The savings that the student makes by adhering to this model increases even more if we consider that he does not have to worry about commuting and food, for example. No spending on car fuel, bus or subway tickets, and food outside the house. In the end, the cost-effectiveness of studying remotely is an advantage that cannot be ignored.

Variety of courses

The distance learning modality has become increasingly popular in recent years, so the offer of courses has also increased. Currently, it is possible to find a wide variety of undergraduate, postgraduate, and distance learning courses.

This variety also includes different fields of knowledge, from degrees in History or Letters to bachelor's in Administration or Accounting, among many other degrees. The diversity of lato sensu postgraduate courses is even greater, meeting the demands of professionals from various fields.

So, whatever your area of ​​interest, there is probably already an ideal distance learning course for you. In fact, the list of existing courses is so long that you can find not just one, but a series of options to select the one that best suits your profile and the moment you are going through in your career.

Recognized courses in the market

The Ministry of Education recognizes distance learning courses in the same way that it recognizes face-to-face teaching. Both categories are evaluated with strict criteria that aim to guarantee the quality of education at all levels.

Therefore, do not think that there is any demerit in choosing to study at a distance. Your choice should be based solely on your preferences and needs. For the MEC and for the job market, diplomas from on-site and distance learning courses have absolutely the same value.

However, it is worth mentioning that, before enrolling, it is important to find out if the chosen educational institution and course are already recognized and regulated by the MEC. Make sure you are investing your time and resources in a college that will really give you the return you deserve.

Access to quality education

In a country of continental proportions like ours, not everyone can live close to renowned educational institutions. Many people did not have access to quality education simply because they were far from urban centers or because they did not have the possibility to travel to a good college.

In this scenario, as we said at the beginning of this article, distance education brings college into the home — wherever that home is located. Thanks to EAD, quality education is available to anyone with a computer and internet access.

To say that technology shortens distances has become a cliché, but only because it is true. In the digital age, it has become much easier to continue studying, even if its location seems to make things a little difficult.

Professional improvement

We return to the point that is your main reason to continue studying, even though you are already in the job market. After all, there is no professional who cannot benefit from the development of new skills and competencies.

In this sense, distance education is exactly what you need to improve yourself without having to disturb or even interrupt your professional activities. In addition, the format of distance learning courses helps you exercise your time management, organizational skills, and autonomy — skills that are also useful in your professional life.

Therefore, all these advantages of studying at a distance show that there is no reason to continue postponing the decision to resume studies. The job market requires professionals who recognize the need to always be up-to-date and value those who meet this requirement. So don't miss this opportunity to grow in your career.