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How to organize personal finances during tight times

In times of economic crisis, it is difficult to know how to organize personal finances, which has unpleasant consequences for our pockets. Unfortunately, issues such as unemployment, reduced income, and stress are very common. The important thing is to remember that situations like these are cyclical, and there is a way to prepare for difficult times. 

Despite all the tangles you may have with the financial squeeze, it is essential to know how to organize personal finances in situations of greater difficulty. This attitude helps to minimize the negative effects, as well as helps to have more emotional stability. That is, you will succeed in economic life.

Do you want to know how to start organizing your finances from now on? Enjoy this text with several easy tips to follow and get out of the pinch as soon as possible!  


Why important organizing finances in times of crisis?

Organizing your finances should be a priority at any time in your life, even if your economic aspects are in a thousand wonders. Care allows you to avoid serious problems, in addition to making better use of your money when everything is going well.

 In any case, you should organize your finances to minimize impacts, for example, with a financial reserve in case you have lost your job; having peace of mind, after all with mental health it is much easier to deal with a crisis and, of course, avoid new debts.

Steps to get organized financially

The important thing is to understand that the main change involves changing your consumption pattern at this new moment, even if temporary. That's why the effort to eliminate superfluous expenses is so decisive to having a successful organization. 

It will not be something easy to accomplish, but rethinking some attitudes in this period will guarantee a differentiated breath to go through the period. Here are the important steps to succeed in your finance organization: 

  • Make a mapping of your current situation;

  • Have well-defined financial goals and objectives;

  • Pay off all your debts

  • Look for an extra income.

Map your current situation

It is important to analyze how your situation is actually going. And how to do it? The best way is to write down all monthly expenses, in detail, like that coffee after lunch. These amounts, when added to other expenses, can make a difference in the end.

In the meantime, list all your income: from wages to that extra cash found in your pants pocket. Through this worksheet, it will be possible to estimate the free and available value that you have. 

Don't forget that your earnings must be greater than your expenses, only then will it be possible to avoid debt accumulation, even more so in times of crisis. 

To do this control, you can have a spreadsheet made by hand. However, our suggestion is to use Excel or applications that exist on the internet and are super easy to manipulate.

Set financial goals and objectives

This point is crucial for your financial organization to succeed: define your objectives and goals, that is, you will have to cut some expenses. For this to happen, it will be important to divide your expenses into fixed and variable.

Fixed expenses are those that occur every month and if there is any variation, it is very little. Examples: electricity, taxes, and condominium, among others. You will hardly be able to cut them out of your life, but at times, it is possible to make maneuvers to reduce them.  

As for variable expenses, the amounts change every month. You can consider grocery shopping, out-of-home food expenses, leisure, and so on. In this regard, it is much easier not only to minimize expenses but also to make cuts: instead of going out to dinner, how about eating at home?

Based on these changes, outline where you want to go: get out of rent and buy your own home; invest in your own business; take a postgraduate course. No matter what the goal is, keep going strong and the walk will be easier.

Pay off debt and seek extra income

The next step is to get rid of all the debt you have. They can be a drag on your finance organization to success. There are a few ways to achieve this:


  • Mapping income and expenses: is there money left? His destiny is to pay off his debts;

  • Try a debt renegotiation. With it, you can get very significant discounts and affordable payment methods.

  • Seek extra income: get to work and discover a little explored talent in the kitchen. You can sell semi-new clothes or unused household items or, depending on your knowledge and degree, provide consultancy and generate more revenue;

  • Swap your debt for a cheaper one: there are many credit companies operating online. Fin techs is the name given to this type of institution, is an easy way to find a loan with your profile and pay much less for your existing debt.

What to avoid in times of financial difficulty

Now, you already know how to organize yourself financially and in a detailed way. However, it is necessary to understand how to maintain this organization day by day, since temptations and unforeseen events happen all the time.

Unnecessary expenses

As mentioned earlier in the article, avoid superfluous expenses. Before spending on impulse, think about whether you really need those new jeans or buy a dishwasher for your house. 

Always remember your goals and objectives stipulated at the beginning and be faithful to all of them. Rest assured that they will be your guide on the path of your financial organization.

Importance of financial education

It doesn't matter how much you follow the above tips for your personal financial organization if you don't understand how important they are for your economic life. Only through your financial education will you succeed in organizing your life.