In addition to technical qualifications and experience, employers want their employees to have other skills that help achieve the company's goals. But, after all, do you know what companies expect from the professionals they hire
Although expectations may vary by area of expertise and position, there are certain skills and behaviors that are expected of all employees, without exception. Being able to deliver what employers want is critical not only to maintaining your employability but also to advancing your career. Therefore, we selected seven attitudes that companies expect from you after hiring. Check out!
Commitment means doing what was agreed, that is, aligning your words with your attitudes, and that is what any company expects from an employee. Although this may seem obvious to many people, it is common for some professionals to accept all their responsibilities at the time of hiring, but become demotivated over time, letting their productivity suffer. The committed professional, on the other hand, has mastery over his work and acts responsibly, another skill valued by the market. In addition, these people have a greater sense of belonging and are more aligned with the company's values. Companies know that employees with this profile are extremely valuable to them and that they will certainly contribute to achieving results.
2 - Creativity
Do you know what the real meaning of creativity is? It's turning the ideas that were imagined into reality. For this reason, it is one of the most desired skills in the future of work, companies increasingly expect their professionals to know how to apply it in their tasks and projects. Having creative thinking, knowing how to avoid and correct problems, and mainly, suggesting and implementing new ideas, are something that a collaborator within a company values.
3 - Good relationships
Working well as a team has always been necessary, but with hybrid and remote working, the need to know how to collaborate with others has become vital. People want to work in an environment where they are surrounded by people they like or at least have a good relationship with. Having colleagues who are easy to get along with, who are optimistic, and who have a positive attitude makes the work routine much more pleasant and productive. In this sense, it is important that you make the following reflection: do my co-workers feel good after working beside me all day? Asking this kind of question is important to identify if you need to change something to relate better in the corporate environment.
Having initiative means having enough motivation to complete your tasks on your own, without needing a leader or boss to tell you all the time what you need to do. Stepping out of your comfort zone a little, seeking to participate in new projects, presenting new ideas, and identifying opportunities for your area or for the company is a way to stand out in this regard. If you want to stand out or if you want to conquer a leadership position, you need to show that you are ready and that you are capable of doing things without someone having to ask you. If you want to know what companies expect from the professionals they hire, this is an item that deserves attention. Being a results-oriented person means always being focused on tasks and projects, finding ways to make them viable, and meeting established deadlines. Employers want their employees to focus on making things happen regardless of the challenges that come their way, after all, any company is driven by results. If you have this profile, the chances of building a successful career and remaining competitive in the market will be much greater.
Adaptability and flexibility are always expected by companies. The market changes, technology advances, and consequently, work processes too. Having the ability to change to achieve results is essential for organizations to survive and, therefore, it needs to have employees with this profile. If you consider yourself a fast learner, it means that you may already have this skill developed. But if that's not your case, you can develop it. Getting out of your comfort zone, trying new things, or changing the way you do your tasks, as well as practicing problem-solving can go a long way in helping you become flexible.
6- Curiosity and continuous learning
Although companies play a fundamental role in the development of their employees, no company wants to rely on professionals who are outdated. No matter what your industry or age, adopting a continuous learning mindset is vital to staying competitive. Curiosity and the search for knowledge will help you become more flexible in the face of changes and will greatly increase your ability to contribute to the company.