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Knowing how to save money as a teenager seems complicated in such an impulsive phase, but it is a trend that is starting to grow. Did you know that more than 6,000 children and adolescents invest in the stock market through responsible accounts?

This is what a survey by B3 says, making it clear that young people are increasingly thinking about the future and their personal financial planning.

Another survey carried out by a financial institution shows that young people who receive an allowance on fixed dates save five times more compared to those who receive money sporadically.

Keep reading and understand how to develop financial education at this stage of life to make your dreams come true.

How to save money as a teenager?

Saving money as a teenager may seem challenging, but it’s an excellent way to have a balanced financial life in the future and achieve your goals.

See tips to get started right away.

1. Define your dreams

The first step in learning how to save money as a teenager is to define what dreams you want to fulfill and what the financial resources will be.

Without these purposes, no teenager (or even an adult) can save money, as immediate desires always speak louder than the need to save.

With that in mind, set short, medium, and long-term goals, such as:

  • Buy a new cell phone next year;
  • Change computer in two years;
  • Take an international trip on vacation;
  • Do an exchange in three years;
  • Buying a car when you turn 18;
  • Living alone for five years;
  • Buying a property 10 years from now.

Don’t be afraid to set ambitious goals, as anything is possible when you plan and save regularly.

2. Save some of what you earn

An essential rule of financially healthy living is to always save a portion of everything you earn.

This means, of course, that you must spend less than your available money — a lesson that must be carried for a lifetime.

Only then will you be able to save money to achieve your goals and avoid the dreaded indebtedness in the future.

3. Control consumerism

Adolescence is a time in life when we feel a great need to consume, whether to fulfill personal desires, demonstrate status, or be accepted in a group, for example.

However, excessive consumerism is the number one enemy of financial health. So, you should avoid pitfalls like impulse purchases, irresistible offers, and trendy products that go over your budget.

The secret is to think about how this wrong choice today can affect your goals, making your goals more and more distant.

4. Save creatively

Creativity is not lacking for teenagers. So, when it comes to saving money, make the most of this skill and look for alternatives to spend as little as possible on your leisure time and hobbies.

It’s worth doing that “allotment” with friends to buy food and drinks, prefer parties at home, take advantage of the student half price, look for free events in the city, keep an eye out for promotions in your favorite stores, etc.

5. Have a friend and savings partner

Adolescence is also a period when we want to be together with friends in all of life’s missions. So why not bring the subject of finances into friendship?

This person can also become a “guardian” of your money, alerting you when you are about to make an impulse purchase and derail your goals.

In pairs, it’s easier to meet the savings goals.

6. Start investing money

After learning how to save money as a teenager, you need to take the next step: start investing that amount.

Instead of letting your money sit still, you can multiply that amount over the long term and make it work towards your goals. This is essential to increase your financial reserve, protect your purchasing power and think about goals for the coming years.