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Copywriting in 2022: Everything you need to know

Anyone in the field of Advertising and Marketing knows the importance of content marketing. After all, everything we do today needs a format so that it can be interpreted by people. In other words, content is part of our life as a whole, and when this process is aimed at companies, we understand that it needs to be strategic, efficient, and persuasive.

In this way, for companies to be able to convert customers, it is necessary that the image it conveys stirs the senses of consumers so that they understand that the product or service offered by the brand is different from anything they have ever seen.

And in this regard, we realize the due importance of the copywriting strategy, which is being increasingly used by businesses and is promising to be an increasingly tangible trend within the market. Want to know more about it? In this post, we will clear all your doubts about the concept of copywriting and everything that is behind this strategy! Check out.

After all, what does the Copywriting concept mean?

To the point, we define copywriting as a content production strategy that is solely focused on getting the reader to take a specific action!

Therefore, the professional copywriter must write his text (copy) thinking in more persuasive ways, having triggers to arouse the interest of reader users, so that they can carry out a conversion.

The main purpose of copywriting

So far, we've already realized that the CTA (call to action) is one of the main elements that constitute good copy, right? In this way, we can understand that during the customer's purchase journey, it is crucial that he performs an action, be it entering an email to receive a weekly newsletter, reading another blog article, or clicking a button directly to the shopping cart. , exclusive offers, and any other inbound strategies the company uses.

Thus, it is from these elements that the copywriter has the ability to draw the attention of visitors to a website/blog, for example, and make them follow the guidelines that are given, in order to carry out a valuable action for the brand.

In a practical way, this whole strategy is usually carried out through the creation of quality posts, as well as whitepapers, infographics, and e-books, among other rich materials.

How to Craft an Effective Copywriting Strategy in 2022?

Writing well is essential, we already know that. But, looking at the copy aspect, it is still not enough to convince the user that they are in contact with your website or blog, for example. For this reason, there are 3 basic processes that must be respected when producing content from the point of view of the copywriting strategy. Are they:

  • Create a relationship with the brand.
  • Make readers motivated to take action on the product or service offered.
  • Inspire readers.

In addition to these copywriting basics, we also need to fit in other important elements to build interesting and engaging content. Check out some tips!


1. Conduct market research

First of all, we know that a blog will not become a reference on a specific subject if there is no professionalism and authority. It will only be different if the content is truly amazing and makes a difference in the lives of readers.

So, in order for us to achieve this goal, we need to understand what the competition is saying on this subject and make it even better.


2. Define the strategy objective

Your publication or any other copying strategy should not be based on “guessing”. That is, it should not be built indiscriminately. For this reason, seek to achieve plausible goals and trace a path for the customer to walk through the sales funnel.

In order for us to help this client on this journey, it may be essential to adopt an extremely common practice in the advertising world, which is the creation of an editorial calendar.

Through this document, you will be able to organize the way in which the content will be published, as well as the amount of content that will be created for posts on specific days.


3. Optimize processes

To make your copy strategy even more efficient, you need to optimize it. At this point, we realized the importance of merging it with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) processes. In other words, SEO works with the organic search of content on search engines such as Google.

When we insert good SEO practices into a piece of content, it offers an excellent ranking, that is, it ranks among the top positions in the results. That way, the page will have even more visibility and more clicks. Consequently, we will have a greater number of actions being carried out according to the inbound strategy, mixed with copywriting.

As we have seen, the copywriting technique is of paramount importance in today's contexts, especially in a time of intense digital transformation. The market is changing, and with it comes changes in consumer behavior.

Keeping up with this trend is of paramount importance, and this is one of the main pillars to becoming a good copywriter: being always up to date to understand the consumer’s mind and promoting emotion in the target audience’s mind when having contact with a brand.