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First day on the job guide

Are you going to start a new job, but are you having doubts about how to act? Then you'll like our first day on the job guide.

The first day at a new company brings a lot of insecurities and nervousness, doesn't it? After all, we have to adapt to the new position and live with people we don't know. This gives you butterflies in your stomach and fear of making a mistake and making a bad impression. In this article, you will find tips that will show you how you should act and behave in your first job. That way you will be able to make a good impression and adapt more easily to the new job.

Tips on how to act on the first day of work

Check out the tips on how to act on the first day of work and learn how to stay calm and avoid nervousness.

Study the company

The first tip is to study the company you are going to work for, visit its website and check its culture, mission, values, try to identify future victories, possible conflicts, and competition. You should also study the services and products that the company offers, its consumer public, differentials, launches, and future challenges. This way you will begin to understand what the organization expects from its employees.

Make sure you have everything you need in your purse or backpack

You should also be prepared for your daily routine, so it's good to check if your bag or backpack is equipped with items that will help you on a daily basis. See if you are taking your house keys, medicines, if you use them, documents, wallet, and money. Also make sure you are taking your agenda, cell phone, pen, headphones, alcohol gel, toothpaste and toothbrush, deodorant, tissues, and umbrella. Also, it's good to take extra clothes, to be safe in case an accident happens.

Wear the right clothes

You should also pay attention to the clothes you are going to wear on the first day, so it is good to find out if the company has a more formal or informal profile. If it is more formal for men, a suit or blazer, shirt, tie and dress pants are ideal. For women, dress pants or skirts, blazers, dress shirts, dress shoes, and discreet accessories are good choices. On the other hand, if the company is informal, men should wear jeans, a dress shirt, or a polo shirt. Women can also wear jeans or a skirt, a polo shirt, and sneakers. As for makeup, it should be discreet.

Get up earlier

Another tip is to wake up earlier because in the case of face-to-face work you must make an effort to arrive on time and by getting up earlier you avoid delays due to traffic or some unforeseen event. In addition, you can have breakfast and calmly get ready, making sure you haven't forgotten anything. The same is true if you work from the home, so you can do things with peace of mind and check your internet connection.

Think positive

If you are nervous and have negative thoughts about your new job, it is important that you think positively. So believe in yourself, because if you were hired it's because you proved yourself qualified for the position. So you don't need to be nervous. Think that everything will go well on the first day and that everything will be calm, after all, on the first day of work you will only meet your manager, colleagues, and the tasks you will perform. It's one more day of reconnaissance of the workplace where you can relax.

Make a good presentation

You must also introduce yourself not only to your manager but to the entire team. So prepare a quick introduction of yourself, your previous role, and your skills. The presentation should be brief and no longer than thirty seconds. When talking to your manager you should highlight the main responsibilities you had in your previous job. It is also important to talk about your achievements, the projects you participated in, and the profits you helped achieve. You must demonstrate confidence.

How to talk to your manager

When talking to your manager, it is important that you thank them for the opportunity to join this new position and the company and show that you are excited about your work within the organization. You should also ask questions about the people and the work you will have to do. Pay attention to what the manager says. It is important to clear all doubts, such as where and to whom you need to report and if you have signed all the necessary documentation or if anything is still missing. You should avoid making suggestions on day one, even if you see something that could be improved, as there may be a reason why it is the way it is. Also, you should be careful with your way of speaking and avoid slang and profanity. Speak respectfully. If the manager is busy at first, be patient to wait for him to complete his meeting routine and wait for him to be free to talk to you.

How to interact with colleagues

It is important that you are polite to both your manager and co-workers. Show friendliness and smile, try to talk to your colleagues, but remain professional and avoid asking personal questions so as not to be inconvenient. You should also avoid superfluous topics and bad jokes, and remember that you are at work and not on a date with friends. If someone invites you to lunch or coffee, accept it, that way you will improve your interaction with the team.

Be a good co-worker

You must have a good relationship with all your teammates, that way if they need you to perform a task or vice versa, they can collaborate with each other. It's important that you don't judge people without knowing them, be discreet and listen to what they have to say. In addition, you should remain reserved and prefer listening to talking, avoid gossip, as it only spoils the atmosphere in the work environment. So if a colleague comes to gossip about another person at work, just listen and don't make comments, because if he's doing it with that person, he might do it with you too.

Don't be a sucker

Another tip is not to suck up to your manager, you must be respectful, but truthful. So avoid exaggerated praise and stay after work to impress. Only stay if the manager asks and demands your overtime. Don't want to look like what you're not so you don't sound fake.

If you are a manager

If you are a manager, it is important that on the first day you hold a meeting with your team to get to know your members and see how they interact and collaborate with each other.

Understand the organizational culture

You must also understand the organizational culture so that you can fit into the new job. Therefore, analyze the way people treat each other, whether they are formal or informal, how meetings are held, and the way they dress and send emails. Also observe the behavior of your colleagues, if they act more relaxed at coffee time, if they have lunch in a group or if they remain silent. That way you can better adapt to the company's climate.

Be willing to face the challenges of the job

An essential tip is that you must be willing to learn and accept the challenges of the new job. Because even if everything seems difficult at the beginning, you shouldn't be discouraged, because with the passage of time you will adapt to the work and you will be able to carry out the tasks more easily. However, if you already know the position you are going to play, you should not be arrogant. It is good to understand the way the company works, after all, there are always new ways of doing the same things. You must be modest and remember that nobody knows everything, there is always something new to learn.

Be proactive

It is important that you are proactive and interested in the job. Usually, in the first few days, there are fewer tasks to be done, as you will be adopting, but you should ask your manager if there is anything else you can do. Also, you can see if your colleagues need help with something and be collaborative.

Do not decorate your desk with personal objects on the first day

On the first day of work, you should be more reserved and just observe your team's behavior. So don't decorate your desk with personal objects at first. You should look at what your colleagues' and superiors' desks look like to get an idea of ‚Äã‚Äãwhat's most appropriate.

Take notes

If you are instructed to participate in projects, it is important that you write everything down so as not to miss any details and organize a schedule to have a deadline to complete each step. That way you will be able to organize yourself better and achieve the goals that were set.

Do not criticize or compare

You should not, under any circumstances, make criticisms or comparisons between the current company and the previous one. This attitude is unethical and inconvenient. You also shouldn't complain about your new job, salary, or work environment. Because then you will be showing yourself to be an immature professional who does not accept changes, in addition to not recognizing his own mistakes. Therefore you must have a positive attitude.

What mistakes to avoid on the first day of work?

It's important that on the first day of work you make a good impression on both the manager and your team, so it's good to avoid some mistakes. Let's meet them.

Do not make negotiations

You must under no circumstances try to change what was agreed upon at the time of hiring, such as salary, days, and hours of work. Because then it will look like you weren't sincere when negotiating during hiring.

Not treating colleagues well

You must be respectful and pleasant with your colleagues, otherwise, it will end up creating enmities and harming the work environment. You don't have to be friends with all your colleagues, but it's important that you treat them well and maintain a good working relationship.

Not be committed

Even if the workload is light in the first few days, you shouldn't relax. So don't be messing with your cell phone during work hours or use social media. Show commitment and be proactive, ask how you can help.

How do you deal with a new job that you don't like?

It may be that in the first few days you don't like the new job and feel uncomfortable. But know that to fully adapt to the job it takes a few months, so you must be patient in this adaptation phase. However, if you feel that you really don't like the job after a few months and you don't feel motivated to work then you need to act differently. In that case, you should talk to the manager to understand the positive points about staying on the job. It's important to find positive points in the new job and see if it's worth continuing. You must also expose your expectations to the manager and the HR department and understand whether the job contributes to your career. Finally, you must weigh the pros and cons and assess whether to stay in the job or look for a new one.