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What Are the Characteristics of a Leader – Check out the Top 5!

If you are looking for a leadership position or want to become a better leader, it is important to know the characteristics of a leader.

These characteristics are what qualify a professional to become a successful manager and thus help his team to achieve good results.

In this article we will show the 5 main characteristics of a leader and also help you to understand what a leader is and its importance to the company, as well as attitudes for you to become a good leader.

What is a leader?

The leader is the person who manages a group of individuals whether for professional or social purposes.

He has the ability to unite and captivate people, being an example of character and motivation.

The leader knows how to communicate well, has strategic thinking and passion for what he does.

In addition, he is able to manage people with different personalities, encouraging them to achieve a common goal.

In this way, he helps people to see their potential and develop their self-confidence so that they work with good performance.

By treating the team with fairness and equality, the leader is able to earn their respect, becoming their guide during the execution of projects.

How important is the leader?

The leader’s role is to help the team effectively achieve the goals that have been stipulated.

He is the one who motivates the team, supervises the work and monitors all of his team’s processes, helping them to reach the expected goal.

The leader also inspires his subordinates through his attitudes and advice, motivating them to achieve good results.

In the past, the leader was seen only as an authoritarian figure whom the team should fear and respect.

But today he has become a reliable and motivating person who works together with his team members to help the company grow.

The leader is able to recognize good professionals and characteristics that can be corrected, giving assertive feedback to motivate his team to improve more and more.

Furthermore, a leader is not only one who holds a management position, but also an employee who inspires his colleagues and helps them to develop.

What are the main characteristics of a leader?

Let’s get to know the 5 main characteristics that every leader should have.

Good character

It is essential for the leader to have good character, that is, to be an honest and upright person, capable of recognizing and taking responsibility for his/her mistakes and acting fairly.

The leader must know how to recognize the efforts of his team and give credit for their accomplishments.

When those in leadership display this characteristic, they gain the trust of their subordinates, setting a good example for them.

For this, the leader must know the difference between right and wrong and remain firm in his purposes.

So he must stay away from illicit and corrupt acts, in this way he becomes a trusted figure for his leaders and inspires them to act in the same way.

Good communication

The leader also needs to be able to communicate clearly and empathetically with his team.

That way he is able to pass the instructions correctly and avoids failures and conflicts.

To communicate well, you need to know how to listen and understand your leaders.

That’s why it’s good to talk to them face-to-face, maintain virtual contact and be genuinely interested in what your team says.

That way people will be more open to you and will listen to your advice.

Build team trust

The leader also believes in the potential of his subordinates, being able to develop their trust.

In this way, it helps professionals to act more independently, becoming more self-confident and thus improving their performance at work.

Thus, the followers are prepared to overcome new obstacles, showing good motivation and improving their performance.

Therefore, professionals become more proactive in their activities, having more independence in the execution of their tasks and start to grow more and more.


Another characteristic that a leader must have is curiosity, because through it he constantly seeks knowledge, keeping abreast of new market trends.

In this way, the leader is able to develop his team by introducing new concepts, techniques and technologies that can help improve results.

In addition, the leader must be open to hearing opinions and suggestions.

That way he is able to identify which ideas can be useful when making strategic decisions.

Thus, the team starts to develop constantly, improving processes and showing more agility and competence in its actions.


It is important that the leader also have the courage to deal with everyday problems and obstacles.

Thus, he should not be intimidated by difficulties and pass on confidence so that his leaders act in the same way.

The leader must really commit to his goals and step out of his comfort zone when necessary.

In this way, he is always looking for new challenges, motivating his team members to follow him and work towards the success of the organization.

How to develop leader characteristics and have good leadership?

Now that you know the main characteristics of a leader, let’s show you what actions you should take to become a good leader.

Empathize and understand differences

The leader must understand his subordinates and empathize with their difficulties and afflictions.

He must understand that each person is unique and may have different problems.

That’s why a good leader must know how to develop his team, so that it uses its qualities and faces challenges.

Furthermore, when a team has good diversity, it ends up enriching the work, as it generates new ideas.

A good leader knows how to harness everyone’s potential and is able to integrate the team and make it more capable and productive.

Recognize your team’s work

It is important that the leader also knows how to recognize the good performance of his subordinates.

This makes professionals feel more satisfied and motivated to perform even better.

Clearly communicate expectations

The team should also know what the company’s expectations are around their actions.

This way she can be guided to the right path, knowing exactly what she must do to achieve the goals that were set.

In this way, their subordinates understand the importance of their work within the organization and can generate good results.

Valuing your leaders

A good leader must value his subordinates, encouraging them to develop without being afraid of creating competitors.

Because he must understand that the evolution of his team is related to his own success and that everyone must work together so that the company’s objectives are achieved.

That’s why it’s important that leaders constantly update themselves and motivate their subordinates to do the same.

give feedbacks

A good leader knows how to give sincere and constructive feedback, as it is important to show the team members what they are doing right and what needs to be improved.

Then they are aware of what points they should strive to develop and are guided to the right path.

In this way, professionals can improve their skills and perform well.

Support the team

It is important that the leader is always willing to support the team at all times, whether good or bad.

In this way, he works together with his subordinates, showing confidence in their work and motivating them to dedicate themselves as much as they can.

The leader must also help his subordinates to perform their functions better and clarify doubts when necessary, so the team knows exactly what to do.

Make decisions

A good leader must also always be ready to make decisions. For he is the one who solves problems and conflicts.

In addition to making decisions, the leader must also generate new ideas and thus present new challenges for the business.

In this way, the team feels confident in its work and the company can reap the rewards of everyone’s good work.

know how to ask for help

The leader does not need to have all the answers and know how to do everything, he can ask for help when he needs it.

This is not a sign of weakness, but a demonstration of humility and that both his subordinates and he need each other to achieve the company’s objectives.

Recognizing your weaknesses helps you to develop more and more as a professional, in addition to motivating your team to also look for you when they need help and thus grow together with you and the company.

put your hands in the dough

A good leader not only delegates tasks, but he also knows how to get his hands dirty and motivate his team members at work.

He helps his employees when they need it and works together with his team to generate better results.

Take responsibilities

The leader also assumes his responsibilities and removes obstacles so that his team can act freely.

In this way, he guides his subordinates and helps them to improve their performance and thus successfully reach their goals.

Recognize personal limits

A good leader must recognize the personal space of each subordinate and respect it.

That’s why you shouldn’t invade their privacy and understand the limits of each one.

After all, the personal lives of professionals often end up affecting their performance at work.

That is why it is up to the leader to respect the moment that each one is living and to be understanding.

In this way, employees will feel more relaxed and will be able to work with confidence.

challenge the team

The leader must also challenge the team, so that it does not become accommodated and bored in its work and thus can develop.

That is why the leader must elaborate the tasks well so that they become more interesting and challenging and can test the abilities of the collaborators.

In this way, it is possible to develop the team and improve results.

Know how to use your team skills

Each professional has skills that differ from others in some aspects and it is up to the leader to know the strengths and weaknesses of each employee.

That way he can recognize which tasks are ideal for each member of his team.

This improves the professional performance of employees, which consequently generates better results.

Learn quickly

A good leader must also always be ready to learn and teach.

Therefore, he must be able to learn new things easily and pass them on to his team members in a clear and objective way.

That way you become able to develop your team and improve your performance.

Have emotional intelligence

A good leader must also know how to control his own emotions and deal with stress and conflict situations.

After all, you never know when internal crises and problems may occur in the company, and the leader must always be ready to face these situations.

In this way, he takes his actions with intelligence and inspires his team members to overcome obstacles.