When you started thinking about exams, you probably discovered how difficult it is to know the right time to start studying for an exam.
And certainly that was your first and most difficult question when you started. Perhaps you are still not able to answer this question quickly and easily today.
Know that you are not alone in this battle and you are not the only person with this question in mind.
This terrifying question haunts the vast majority of contest candidates and, like so many others, has no easy or simple answer. Knowing the right time to start studying for a contest is like knowing the exact moment you will fall in love.
It’s actually quite complicated. It all depends on what your ideal contest is, what your knowledge base is like, and what factors you can use to help you along the way.
Many people who have passed exams say they didn’t even have to study. Others dedicated themselves a week earlier. And one more took months or even a few years to achieve.
To know which is ideal for you, what is really necessary is to know yourself. Knowing who you are, how you like to study, what knowledge you have, how you take tests.
This is your first step and only after that will things flow in a more adequate way. So how about we start to better understand this process and this long road?Does the right time to start studying for a contest depend on the edict?
When you decide that the time has come to start studying for an exam , you should first think about the type of exam you will be taking.
Is it a public tender already open or not?
Does this contest have high or low competition, with many or few vacancies, in an institution with low or high turnover?
Usually those approved in these competitions have a medium or higher level?
Is the test usually easy or difficult?
These are essential questions to ask yourself. After all, all this will influence your path.
If you chose to start studying for a contest before the announcement, you have some advantages and disadvantages.
The main advantage is the fact that you will have more time to expand your knowledge base. But its main disadvantage is the fact that it does not know what will actually be charged.
The truth is that many times we think that an announcement will always remain the same. But with that we forget that laws change, that internal norms of bodies and the very needs of institutions change.
We are thus a bit lost when these things happen without having adequately prepared ourselves for it.
People were used to studying laws and rules for administrative competitions. In recent years, they have become charged with managing people, processes, files and documents.
A change that shows the growing need for professionalization in the public sector. And this professionalization has been an increasingly frequent reality.
The courts are not only looking for those who know about laws, but those who know how to conduct electronic processes, and as a result, they began to charge more for computer skills. Banks want more than interest rate specialists, they want team and project management experts. It changes the evidence too. Understanding the needs of institutions is essential to discover the right time to start studying for a contest.
Many people, and maybe you’re one of them after all, you’re here on this blog, prefer to dedicate themselves to studying not just when the public notices have already come out.
These people tend to focus their studies based on previous notices of the desired competitions and focus their studies only on some subjects that are more difficult.
The strategy can be interesting but it has a crucial point that is usually overlooked here.
By dedicating yourself to some disciplines, you may end up losing important points in disciplines in which you did not focus your studies from the beginning and which may have greater or lesser weight than expected.
For this reason, the ideal before the public notice is to focus on the more general questions and on disciplines that will be useful in several competitions. An example of this is law 8.112 in cases of federal contests or constitutional law for courts. It will always fall, it may not be much but it always falls!
Now if you’re one of those people who believe that it’s best to always know where to shoot, maybe you’ll feel more comfortable studying only after the public notice comes out.
In these cases, the most critical point is usually the fact that the deadline to study is very short. To resolve the issue, the most important thing is to have a good basis.
Those who have a good foundation can dedicate themselves, after the publication of the public notice, to the exercises and disciplines that will bring the greatest impact. Those with greater weight in the tests and those you know little about.
It is also worth mentioning here that those who start studying only after the public notice is published must know their study profile well . This will avoid wasting time on things that won’t help you focus on the essentials.
The great advantage of those who study after the publication of the edict is that they will not waste time with subjects that will not fall out. And you can dedicate yourself directly to what matters, making the focus clearer and more objective.