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Top 10 Skills to Put on Your Resume With Example

In a job search, it is important to include the skills you have gained through experience, as it can make you stand out from other candidates. Critical thinking skills are very important, as these will help you think rationally and come up with innovative ways to solve problems. Also, being adaptable is an important skill that many organizations and industries are looking for. Another important skill is good communication. It will help you interact better with others, which will help you achieve more and work better.


Multilingualism is a valuable skill to add to your resume. Many companies prefer applicants who can speak more than one language, and there are a number of ways to prove that. One great way is to list your skills in a skills section of your resume.

You can put your skills in a variety of places, including your skills section and your summary section. Having these skills listed in a summary or skills section makes it easier to see and read. You can also list your skills in your work experience and education sections. In addition to listing your skills in the summary and skills sections of your resume, you can also list your bilingual skills in your education section.

You may also wish to include an example of how you used your language skills to solve a problem. For instance, you may have solved a business issue or solved a problem using both languages. In this way, your interviewer will be able to see how well you communicate.

Many professionals make the mistake of assuming that having a common language is enough when they interact with foreign cultures. However, body language and other factors can greatly influence how you communicate. Failure to understand these important factors can lead to serious miscommunications. In addition, proving that you have a mastery of several languages and communication styles will make your resume stand out among other candidates. The examples can be anything from giving presentations to dealing with customers and managing teams.


Adaptability skills are a necessary attribute for workplace success. This skill will help you work in teams and solve problems by making compromises. It will help you keep calm and work under pressure. It is an essential skill for a wide range of job types. In addition, this skill will make you a more reliable employee.

You can highlight your adaptability skills in your resume by including examples from past experiences. For instance, if you have been part of a team and worked with customers to come up with new marketing strategies, you can highlight your ability to adapt to changing situations. These examples will be helpful in interviews.

Adaptability skills can make you a more competitive worker. They also make you more open to learning new information. The workplace is always changing, so being able to adapt to changes is essential. Learning new ways to accomplish tasks will make you more valuable and attractive to employers.

Another way to highlight your adaptability skills is by showing your ability to solve problems. The ability to solve problems creatively and to adapt to new situations can help you gain an edge over competitors. This skill also demonstrates your ability to work with others, as collaborating with others will increase your chances of completing a task in a more effective and productive way.


One of the most important skills to include on your resume is creativity. This skill can help you elevate a company, attract new clients, or even start new initiatives. It is especially useful in industries that rely on innovation. If you have experience in a job where you needed to use your creativity to solve problems, you should make sure to include this skill on your resume.

Creative problem-solving skills are highly sought after in many industries. Using these techniques can help you define a problem in a different way, and can show hiring managers that you have a creative mindset. Creativity skills are also helpful for businesses because it can boost productivity.

The ability to think outside the box is another important aspect of creativity. It can help you develop new ideas and improve efficiency. You can even challenge the way things are done to come up with better solutions. You can also improve your problem-solving skills by analyzing the successes of others in your field.

In addition to mentioning your own creative skills, you can also highlight projects you've worked on. Include dates, names, and companies where you have worked. This can be helpful for recent graduates who are trying to build a portfolio. You can also include your work for nonprofit organizations and class projects.


When listing teamwork skills, include specific examples that highlight your contribution and the results. This will help set you apart from the competition. For example, if you have worked with a marketing team, including an example of how you kept everyone involved in the process by holding weekly status meetings. This allowed you to keep everyone updated and understood what they needed to do.

You can also put teamwork skills on your resume by describing your professional experience. Highlighting your previous roles will help show you can work well with others and achieve organizational goals. Use powerful verbs like collaborate, educe and coordinate to describe your capabilities. Listing teamwork under your skills section is the easiest way to communicate your ability to work effectively with others.

It is important to highlight teamwork skills on your resume if you want to get hired. This skill is important in almost all industries and job profiles. If you are looking for a management position, you should highlight your skills in this area. However, listing teamwork skills on your resume is not enough. You must describe your experiences and how they contributed to your success.

Teamwork skills can include problem-solving, resolving conflicts, and communicating ideas clearly. It can also include other soft skills like being friendly and reliable. Showing these skills can also help you develop rapport and build rapport.


There are many ways to showcase communication skills, including personal projects or extracurricular activities. These activities can showcase your communication skills and demonstrate your ability to collaborate with others. For students or recent graduates, a personal project can be an excellent way to showcase your skills. When listing your extracurricular activities, make sure to include metrics to demonstrate how you applied these skills. Communication skills are not just for job seekers; they are beneficial in many different industries.

Being able to communicate effectively is one of the most important skills you can have, especially when you are dealing with other people. Great communication involves listening as well as speaking. A good balance is important in effective communication because it makes the final outcome feel fair. A one-sided conversation feels uncomfortable and can cause misunderstandings.

In addition to listening carefully, you should be able to demonstrate your ability to build rapport with others. Good communicators have strong self-confidence and are supportive of others. They are also friendly, two essential characteristics for establishing a strong workplace relationship. An employer will be more likely to hire you if they are able to show that you have strong interpersonal skills and can relate well to others.

If you want to improve your communication skills, start by observing those who have great communication skills. Study their ways to express themselves in different situations, and take notes on their language, structure, and tone. You may also want to consider joining a nonprofit or community group to improve your communication skills.

Computer skills

If you are looking for a job, it is important to demonstrate that you are familiar with computer programs. In fact, most employers today expect you to know how to use common office suites such as Microsoft Office or Google G Suite. You can use these programs to create documents, create presentations, and perform quick calculations.

Even if you don't plan to work in a tech company, proving your computer skills will increase your chances of landing a job. Many jobs today require computer skills, especially for management roles. Checking the job description carefully will help you determine the specific computer skills needed for the position.

You can also learn computer skills on your own. There are plenty of resources online, from YouTube tutorials to certification courses. Whether or not you choose to take one of these courses depends on your goals and profession. Decide what type of learning is best for you and then learn that skill.

Once you have a list of computer skills needed for a particular job, you can include them on your resume. When writing the skills section, make sure to highlight those skills that are most relevant to the position you are applying for.