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5 tips for dealing with financial anxiety

During the pandemic, we had to relearn how to live, as usual, everyday actions became a great health risk. Without being able to socialize with friends, go where you feel like, see family and not even be sure about staying employed, the increase in cases of mental disorders is understandable. 

Among the main problems faced by people during the pandemic is the loss of perspective on the future, anxiety, and money. Many had to use resources such as credit cards to pay for market purchases. With drastic changes and the escalation of prices of basic items, a good part of the population found itself in debt.

Debts are responsible for many sleepless nights. As the problem grows, it becomes more difficult to preserve mental health. Being psychologically shaken, the professional ends up having a lower-than-expected income.

And the worse the performance of workers, the more likely they are to be fired. See what a vicious circle it is? The longer the debts linger, the more the indebted suffer.

Anxiety and money: what is the relationship? 

The pandemic has profoundly impacted the global economy. The financial crisis, more intense in countries with greater social inequality, generates a scenario of fear and uncertainty. During a period of crisis, people are insecure about being able to provide for their basic needs and those of their families. The fear of not being able to maintain the same standard of living arises. 

Realizing on a daily basis that the situation is only getting worse, the person begins to develop symptoms such as stress, anxiety, and even depression. According to data from the Credit Protection Service (SPC) survey, 69% of defaulters developed some type of anxiety and other disorders. Not having a solution to your debts takes many people's sleep. 

In addition, mental disorders such as anxiety can make a financial crisis worse by triggering excessive purchases. Unnecessary spending makes the situation worse and contributes to increasing the debt snowball. For those who are wondering how to deal with these issues, we advise you to read the tips below.

Financial anxiety: 5 tips on how to deal with it

Even in a crisis situation, it is possible to maintain serenity and mental well-being. Check out the tips we've listed below to help you solve money and anxiety problems. 

  1. Planning

As we mentioned above, people with anxiety and financial problems may end up buying on impulse to try to relieve stress. However, this accumulation of expenses only generates more anxiety and debt. So, the first tip to deal with this situation is to plan to alleviate the problem. 

The best way to take control of your financial life is to analyze where the issue comes from. Is the problem a result of a lack of entries? Or do you have a lot of debt? Maybe both? What are your superfluous expenses?

These questions will help you understand what the triggering factors of your problems are. From there, you can put together an action plan to deal with them all. 

Having a clear picture of the reasons that lead to your financial problems, it will be easier to identify the solution. What attitude can you take? Would an alternative income solve this? Is debt renegotiation possible? Can you pay all of them in cash? 

  1. Get Informed

Financial anxiety is often the result of an unhealthy relationship with money. Many people do not have access to knowledge about lifelong financial education. However, nowadays, there are more and more experts sharing their knowledge through social networks. 

We advise you to develop the habit of reading, watching videos and learning about how to manage your money in a healthier way. You will be able to know how to control your expenses, save money for the future and even make safe investments. 

  1. Keep hope

Just as important as planning and learning about finances is keeping hope. Believing that you are capable of managing your money and securing your future will help you have the strength to overcome this difficult phase. Not believing in yourself can lead to limiting thoughts and projecting bad situations into the future. 

Anxiety is characterized exactly by making the individual experience a limited situation that may not even happen. It's the famous suffering in anticipation; you don't need and shouldn't cultivate that feeling. 

  1. Pay more attention to your money

The busy life we ​​lead makes us put more and more bills on automatic debit. Other payments, such as streaming and club subscriptions, for example, are made by credit card. So we end up putting everything money-related on automatic and lose perspective on what we're spending. 

The tip is to analyze the flow of money monthly that is, what comes in and what comes out of your account. Ideally, you have a spreadsheet, it doesn't have to be in Excel, you can draw it with a pen on a planner. What really matters is continually recording what you spend and what you earn. 

With this “extract from your financial life,” it is easier to understand where difficulties come from and how to solve them. If in one month you closed in the red, you can and should correct your actions so that in the following months you always close in the blue. 

  1. Recognize your merits

Finally, to deal with financial anxiety, it is crucial that you recognize your merits. Have you started making a spreadsheet? Did you manage to control yourself in a sleepless night and didn't buy anything in online stores? Have you managed to save money or invested? So, congratulate yourself and recognize that you are improving your relationship with finances.