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How to monetize a blog - make money by writing blogs

For anyone, knowing how to monetize a blog is fundamental knowledge to make real money with this online business model.

Many digital entrepreneurs believe that monetizing a blog is simply creating the blog, developing the content, and then distributing ads everywhere.

The first mistake is to believe that the monetization of blogs or any other content site is restricted to advertising.

This may have been the business model until quite some time ago. Today, things are quite different. Currently, it is very important to develop quality content for the blog to gain relevance and position itself as an authority.

The second mistake is to believe that by simply placing ads on a website you will make them profitable. An ad without contextualization does not generate any income, as it is not clicked by most people, and therefore generates no income.

In this article, you will see how to monetize a blog or any other content site in several different ways.

1 – How to monetize a blog with advertising

Let's start our explanation of how to monetize a blog, using the classic method of marketing advertising space. For anyone who wants to make money with a blog, this is the fastest way.

As we said earlier, this is not the only option for monetizing websites, but without a doubt, it is one of the biggest sources of revenue in this type of business.

In this segment we have two classic options to be analyzed:

  • Blog Monetization with Google Adsense

  • Monetization of blogs with affiliate programs

  • Monetization of blogs with their own advertising

These are two basic website monetization strategies, but like any other area of ​​online business, it has its own timing and techniques.

2 – Monetization of blogs through Google Adsense

Our first tip on how to monetize a blog is through Google Adsense, Google's affiliate program that pays for ad clicks. This is the most used monetization tool by blogs and other content sites.

For the vast majority of websites, this is the biggest source of revenue, but it is good to make it clear that to make real money with Adsense it is generally necessary a high volume of traffic to the website.

3 – Own advertising network

When your blog or website has a considerable volume of hits and is considered an authority in your sector, a digital influencer, then it's time to sell advertising directly, offering advertising spaces yourself.

In order to earn money with this type of advertising, you will have to do a good segmentation of subjects by categories so that you can offer spaces very well divided by themes, thus attracting the interest of advertisers.

This is an example of how to monetize a blog through banners or by selling links related to advertisers or contact forms inserted into your blog.

4 – Other options on how to monetize a blog

One of the main ways to monetize a blog is through the marketing of advertising space, but advertising is just one of the many ways to monetize a blog and should not be the only one to be adopted.

In order for you to create a consistent source of income, the best strategy is to also have other sources of funds.


5 – Monetization of blogs through affiliate programs

Another good option for those who want to know how to monetize a blog is through affiliate programs, a business model based on performance marketing, that is, you receive remuneration when you achieve a certain conversion.

Most of the time, affiliate programs work with the sale of products to virtual stores, as in the case of the Lomadee platform.

Another very common option is the sale of online courses and e-books, digital products, such as on the platform Monetizze, Hotmart, and others.

The important thing here knows how to choose the best affiliate programs for your blog, that is, those that offer products that are in line with your target audience.

The correct strategy for monetizing sites with affiliate programs is to work with products and services that are fully contextualized in relation to the topic or topics covered in your blog.

6 – Monetization of blogs through the sale of info product

Another suggestion on how to monetize a blog is through the sale of info products, digital products such as online courses, e-books, spreadsheets, and others, which you can put up for sale on your blog or website, generating revenue for it.

This is a form of monetization that requires more work since to develop a quality info product you will have to research the subject, format the product, and develop a marketing strategy for it.

The monetization of the blog will be through the sale of this product, which when well contextualized in relation to the target audience of your blog, can become its main source of income.

7 – Monetization of blogs through subscriptions and private content

Another good alternative for those who want to know some ways to monetize a blog is to do so through exclusive content, in a subscription site model, very common abroad and is also gaining space in our country.

To work with this model you will need to produce extremely interesting and differentiated content, in order to motivate your readers to pay to have access to premium content.

This is a blog monetization strategy that should only be adopted by sites that already have authority in the industry and that have a high volume of traffic, otherwise, it could harm more than help.

8 – Monetization of blogs through sponsored posts

This is one more option for those who are looking to know how to monetize a website, which is becoming increasingly common, especially among blogs and websites dedicated to a particular niche market, which is considered an authority in its area.

This is actually an Inbound Marketing tool, also known as content marketing, that several companies have been using in recent times.

It is a marketing strategy by presenting interesting content on websites other than your own.

The monetization of blogs with sponsored posts is done by paying for these articles to be published.

In these cases, the publisher needs to take some care with regard to SEO, to avoid duplicate content on their blog.

9 – Monetization of blogs through social networks

As monetizing a blog is a very extensive area, you can take advantage of your own social networks and earn money there too. You can make extra income on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and others.