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In order to better orient yourself in your career and have good planning, there is a need to look for strategies that contribute to a better routine and greater focus during the execution of your activities. In this context, the mind map stands out. It is a type of diagram in which ideas are organized around a specific topic so that there is a visual representation of what needs to be done.
If you’ve never heard of the topic, don’t worry. We prepared this material to bring more details about what the mind map means, and what are the benefits of using it, in addition to providing more information to apply it in your daily life. Continue reading and find out more!
First, it is important to understand what the mind map is all about. As mentioned, this is a diagram. It is made from a central idea, which is expanded by various branches. All these ramifications are offshoots of the initial idea.
The idea was systematized by researcher Tony Buzan, author of the book Mental Maps. Tony is psychological, and due to his studies, he managed to work out some of the main requirements for storing information. Among other gains that the method brings to everyday life (which we will go into more detail about later on), we can highlight:
If we ask what the mind map is for, we can fall into the most diverse answers. After all, any activity that needs to have a more precise organization of ideas can benefit from using the method in question.
If you need to summarize a certain context to present it to other people, for example, you have the opportunity to identify the central idea of the mind map and then unfold it into other topics to facilitate its explanation.
In addition, it is important to take into account that the mind map works through keywords. Example: suppose you have just read a work that deals with career development. In it, one of the topics covered was the PDI as the main pillar for professional growth. That is, PDI will be the central theme, being the main keyword of your mind map. Simple, isn’t it?
There is not necessarily a cake recipe for creating a mind map. Of course, there are recommendations and tips to make your functions and goals more enjoyable. Therefore, there is not exactly a right or wrong way to do it, since it will depend on the person’s ability to memorize and use it.
The first step is to get a blank sheet so you can (literally) put your ideas down on paper. An A4 sheet is ideal, but it can also be a notebook page. It’s important that it is turned horizontally so that you can place striking content in the center. In the example we mentioned, it would be the point where the PDI keyword would be located.
It is important that the mind map is visual. The more data that allows you to put your ideas into practice, the better. They can be arranged through graphics, and collected studies, among others. The more elements, the better.
We need to take into account that we have the ability to store information much better if it is visually attractive. You will be able to identify, later on, what actions were thought to develop your PDI by remembering the mental map, in addition to remembering which moment in the strategy you are and what you need to develop – going back, again, to our example.
Again, we reinforce the idea that it is essential to work on the keywords of your mind map, especially the main one. It is through it that you will branch out your ideas and be able to develop actions to reach your goal. It will also be responsible for making all other connections – therefore, it is considered the main one.
A common mistake people make is to make a mind map that is too broad. In addition to not being able to abstract all the ideas necessary to carry out your actions, there are risks of you planning to develop too many demands, which would not be feasible for your routine.
Suppose a person wants to plan better to find a job in his field. If she extends her map too much, she can get lost in her own plan, which would generate demotivate and frustration.
The organization of the mind map should be one of the priorities for those who are starting to develop it. If you do it in a messy way, you will hardly be able to learn the process the way you should. Another negative point of not having a good organization is that you will hardly be sure that all the information is present.
Mind map serves mainly to memorize in a simplified way the idea you want to put into practice. If you make texts instead of topics, the chances of achieving this goal decrease considerably, since you will not be able to memorize everything you will put on paper.
Now that you know how to make a mind map, it’s time to bring you the main benefits of making one. Look!
The first gain is that it improves organizations in the most diverse spheres of life. As we have seen, the mind map can use in different contexts, from learning a book that you have just read to defining activities to get a new job.
In this sense, when adopting this method, the focus on demands will be much greater. You won’t feel lost with the routine that must be followed. In addition to reducing a long to-do list into topics that summarize one or more practices necessary for your goal.
Consequently, developing any process becomes much more visual. You will understand which stage you are at in the planning and will be able to make course corrections if it becomes necessary.
As we said, the mind map has one of the main objectives to facilitate memorization. If you are going to take a contest and need to understand a certain subject or process on the tip of your tongue, it is an opportunity to put the whole subject on paper in a summarized way – without having to write long texts for that.
It also allows you to better develop your ideas whenever you need to start a new project. For example, a person was given the challenge to structure a Marketing area in the company where he works. How is she going to start thinking about all the activities that must be done? All the positions she needs to bring to the team and what are the goals and indicators she needs to track?
Instead of extensive reports, the mind map contributes to a better alignment of what needs to be done with what has not yet been put into practice in the business. When we encourage a broader view of what needs to be done. We are able to understand the challenges more comprehensively. In addition to developing ideas in a more practical way.
Surely you’ve been through a situation where you felt frustrated for not being able to put a certain idea into practice. We often get stuck in starting to develop an idea or a demand – which results in procrastination.
As the mind map contributes to the better development of activities, it naturally stimulates emotional well-being. In this way, you will reduce stress, and increase self-esteem, in addition to impacting even personal relationships, precisely because you have the peace of mind that what needs to be done is being done – or planned.