ဝန်ထမ်းသစ်ကြိုဆိုပွဲကြောင့် ဖုန်းလေးမဆက်နိုင်တာကို စိတ်မဆိုးပါနဲ့ မိန်းမရယ်...ကိုဦးတော့ အသံသွားစစ်ပြီး အိမ်ပြန်ရောက်တာနဲ့ ကောခံနေရပြီ...
First of all, we know that the main objective of any brand in the market is to generate competitiveness. After all, generating sales is the main focus of any business. However, there is no point in projecting this objective into sales actions that do not guarantee more solid and continuous results.
\r\n\r\nDue to the competition, we find in the market, which is growing more and more, it is necessary to reformulate our sales strategies in order to reach an even better level of competition.
\r\n\r\nIn this regard, we perceive the due importance of the sales prospecting process. It is based on important behavioral data and information to understand which purchase journey the person is on, and how to deal with the maturity of each of them at the moment of sale.
\r\n\r\nWant to know more about it? So, check out our post until the end and see 4 strategic tips to sell even more by crossing your sales with prospecting activities. Good reading!
How important is prospecting to sell more?
\r\n\r\nIn general, we know that contracts naturally tend to end in the course of the relationship between the customer and the company. In addition, one-off projects also tend to end at some point, making this whole process of entries and exits in a business more intense on a day-to-day basis.
\r\n\r\nFor these reasons, prospecting becomes very important, since the focus of this concept is on generating interest from customers who offer a great possibility of purchase. Even if out of 30 contacts, only 3 generate some type of business, there are other processes that offer demand, income, and strength to the brand.
\r\n\r\nWe are talking about regularity, which is a crucial point in the prospecting and sales process. Active prospecting is about strategies for making contact with customers, and not waiting for this relationship to happen only through inbound. In addition to investing in this action, prospecting also emphasizes the importance of consistency, organization of contacts, and investments in an agenda, so that activities are respected according to their time.
\r\n\r\n4 foolproof tips to sell more
\r\n\r\nMuch more than selling, it is necessary to prospect. Thus, we ensure that we are talking to the right people, and the most likely to buy from a business. So, let’s check out some strategic tips to sell more with the good use of prospecting:
1. Define the ideal customer profile
\r\n\r\nFirst of all, understanding who is the ideal consumer for a business, and based on this data, drawing up sales models, is the first step to adding good results. To understand this first step even better, let's assume that a particular brand has customers with characteristic x on the company's social networks, while customers who visit the business's website have characteristic y.
\r\n\r\nWhen we know how to differentiate these different behaviors, we can improve our sales tactics and prospect them the right way! In a practical way, we can use the information from each communication channel to map people's objections, desires, and needs. That is, by analyzing the data of people who engaged with the brand and who later bought from it, it is possible to further define the type of ideal customer profile.
2. Draw a picture of your personal
\r\n\r\nIn case you didn't know, creating a persona is extremely valuable to understand what goes on in your target audience’s mind. Through this design, we get an even clearer idea of how to communicate with each person who comes into contact with the brand.
\r\n\r\nSo, when we understand what is the appropriate design of the persona that is communicating, we understand how to prospect it efficiently, taking it to the final action: the purchase! In addition, we are also able to direct marketing strategies to an audience that makes the most sense for the business.
3. Don't forget to nurture the sales funnel
\r\n\r\nAfter you have perfectly designed your persona, the next step is to efficiently feed the sales funnel. For us to be able to hit this point, all processes that involve the inclusion of data on the target audience need to be aware of the importance of this task.
\r\n\r\nWith this, it is essential to carry out a careful assessment of the maturity level of each user, with the simple objective of certifying that it is at time compatible with the business offer. In other words, we must realize if this person can be a qualified lead to continue with the purchase journey.
\r\n\r\nOtherwise, if we get a misinterpreted view of this person, we can end up generating an inefficient increase in contacts in the bank who are not strategically ready for the moment of sale. This will represent a bad contact allocation for the sales department, which will seek negotiations with contacts that are not yet eligible for contracts.
4. Pay attention to the best channels
\r\n\r\nAfter following each topic mentioned above, it is now easier to understand how to prospect customers with more assertiveness for the business. Through them, we begin to understand which are the best channels that offer even better sales performance. Thus, it makes perfect sense to emphasize the strategies that were used in these stages to obtain more efficient prospecting.
\r\n\r\nNot to mention that it is possible to have interesting information to generate ideas, and implement them in current channels that are not delivering good results in attracting customers.