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Managing emotions: how it works and why it matters in the workplace

Pursuing well-being in the workspace will be one of the great differentials for those looking to make better deliveries, and be more satisfied with the environment that surrounds them, in addition to making more effective decisions. In this sense, managing emotions will come in as an important ally, as it will strengthen the person's qualities and abilities, in addition to reducing any type of development gap they may have.

In this material, in addition to giving tips on how to manage emotions, we will present a little more about the importance that this brings to your life. Continue reading and find out more!

Why manage emotions in the workspace?

First, let's understand the importance of managing emotions in the workspace. This practice is essential both professionally and personally. After all, through it, there is the opportunity to lead a more harmonious and balanced life, in addition to ensuring the ability to recognize other people's emotions and contribute to developmental feedback, which allows for more lasting and solid bonds.

We know that, in the corporate environment, there are common difficulties as in any other space. There is pressure to achieve goals while there is a high volume of demands and people from different backgrounds to deal with on a daily basis. In this sense, if there is any kind of frustration, there is the risk of this whole context contributing to provocations, friction between people, as well as the possibility of saying what comes to mind.

By managing emotions, you will have control to cool your mind before making any kind of decision, contributing to the gains already mentioned in this material: longer-lasting bonds, better relationships with colleagues, and more effective execution of demands.

How to manage emotions in the workspace?

Now that you already know about the importance of managing emotions in the workspace, we will bring you some tips that will allow you to develop this skill in a more practical way. Understand!

Understand how emotions work

The first step in managing emotions is understanding how they work. In this way, there is the opportunity to identify what they can trigger and all our responsibilities in this control.

Especially when we refer to interpersonal relationships in a workspace - in which we live with people from different experiences and behaviors, in addition to taking different attitudes in the most different situations - there is a need to be aware that all emotions are important and must be taken into account in this self-knowledge.

When we classify them as positive or negative, we are referring to a more popular way of identifying and interpreting them. However, we can define them as:

  • functional — when they help us adapt to different circumstances, contexts, or work environments;

  • dysfunctional — in which case, they will not mobilize. Quite the contrary, they will not provide any type of benefit to the people involved, which could trigger embarrassing situations that harm socializing.

In any context where emotion is released in a dysfunctional moment, it is essential to know how to manage it so that the lines and decisions are thought out more intelligently —  if the professional has heard feedback given harshly and in the wrong forum, for example.

Try to express your emotions correctly

It is also important that people know how to express their emotions correctly. For example, there's no need to pretend you're feeling something you're not, but you need to manage your emotions so that it doesn't affect your socializing with other people, which often has little to do with the context.

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected professionals in different ways. Especially in a period of remote work, in which companies had to adapt to meet health protocols, many professionals were physically away to perform their day-to-day demands. What for many people was a great solution, for others there was a certain loss of productivity since they were used to the pace of the office, traffic, close relationships, etc.

Those who knew how to manage their emotions certainly went through this period without any kind of damage to relationships. However, in order to be able to express yourself correctly and go through different obstacles, the ideal is to have tools that help you observe more (breathing or meditation techniques, for example).

Offer feedback to your colleagues

Feedback is a process in which people contribute so that others can develop from their own perceptions. Typically, an analogy is made of feedback to the paper map and GPS. Both tools work to get people to their destination. However, through GPS, there is the possibility of making route corrections according to the itinerary: if there is traffic, the technology will deviate from that path to reach the place more quickly.

So is the feedback. It guides people on the best way forward, regardless of the moment and the demand. For the management of emotions, it is essential to offer feedback to the receiver if something did not go as expected, if there was any more aggressive communication or if there are behaviors that can be improved so that relationships are not harmed in this sense.

It's a way of enabling the growth of others without having to attack, using the right words to do so. Among the advantages that feedback provides, we highlight:

  • improvement in the management of people and teams;

  • greater fluidity in the communication of different teams;

  • gain of time to carry out more elaborate activities;

  • adds value to the professional profile, among others.

Understand if there have been any similar problems in the past

Whenever you are faced with an emotion that could throw you off the rails, it's important to understand how you've managed that problem in the past. That way, there is an opportunity to reminisce about what you did wrong and what can be replicated, so that there is constant growth and development in the way you handle situations.

If some negative emotion affects you intensely, you will surely remember a time when you also went through a situation that affected stability. Whenever you feel anger, sadness, fear or insecurity, stop, think and be sure to write down these perceptions, as this will be a strategy that will possibly reassure you.

Develop self-confidence

Managing emotions is also about developing self-confidence. For this, some practices can be adopted on a daily basis. The first is to seek to step out of your comfort zone. By putting yourself in challenging situations, you will consequently broaden your life experiences, bringing more knowledge and flexibility to different situations.

Also, be sure to try different things. On a personal level, for example, order a plate of different food, change your haircut, and reinvent yourself. Other tips that can be adopted:

  • don't harbor negative feelings —  let them out in a way that doesn't harm you, according to your personal interests. Whether by writing, or doing something you enjoy;

  • avoid comparing yourself with others —  each person has their flaws and qualities, in addition to having points that continually need to be worked on;

  • provide yourself with stimuli —  find stimuli within yourself in negative situations to work around them;

  • train your body language.

Don't be afraid to express yourself

Finally, we suggest that you don't be afraid to express yourself, regardless of the context. As we've seen, providing constructive feedback will help improve relationships and also bring colleagues different types of insights into everyday life. However, you need to know how to communicate and the first step is to lose that fear.

In addition, if there is a wrong use of some words, there is a risk that they will also be interpreted wrongly. Surely you have been in a situation where you considered a colleague's comment to be negative, but which you immediately understood through an explanation. Therefore, always express yourself, both professionally and personally, but have empathy to understand how these words reached your receiver. 

In this material, you could check out some practical tips for managing emotions. If you liked these suggestions and want to improve, even more, we recommend participating in mentorships that will address these and other topics, so that you can improve and deal better with the workspace, according to the points that must be worked on.