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Digital Influencers: What do you need to consider when choosing this strategy?

From childhood, individuals are influenced by their social environment and as they grow up, their social circle increases. The expansion of the social environment motivates in the individual an accelerated adaptation in decision making.

Many of them are taken following the opinions of other individuals such as parents, siblings, friends, or close people.  

Companies are focused on this process to promote the sale of products and services. In the last few decades, we were so used to being influenced by film, radio, and television artists, famous sportsmen, and also respectable politicians. But with the turn of the century, new types of influencers appeared using the most varied platforms to get closer.

The emergence and massification of the Internet brought some changes. The implementation of new tools for creating and editing web pages favored the birth of the first bloggers.

Bloggers are individuals who periodically share their opinions on various current issues. The emergence of social networks has boosted a new type of influencer: the digital influencer.

The digital influencer has become a massive activity carried out by television, radio, and cinema. In a more personal format based entirely on the interest of the follower.

In this article, society's view of the work that digital influencer performs, the types of influencers, and their impact on the economy will be addressed.  


Relationship between Digital Influencer and their followers

In this way, we were able to map a group of users on social networks (influencers). Who has a high number of followers and the way in which they manage to impact other members on social networks through a certain type of content?

The relationship built between Digital influencers and followers has been widely observed by companies for a long time. Accumulating data and analyzing it, in order to identify the economic return that companies can obtain by hiring an influence in the dissemination and sale of products or services of a particular brand.    


Factors that impact the choice of a digital influencer

Digital influencers who are associated with a specific brand actively participate in the customer journey. From product launch to sale.

Choosing a digital influencer in the market will depend on certain factors:

  • The influencer's values ​​must be aligned with the brand's principles
  • The niche that the influencer targets should be the same or similar with the brand's followers
  • The target audience reached must be in tune with the influencer
  • The influencer has an impact at the local, state, or national level

In this way, several types of influencers have emerged who act very well in the most varied segments where they operate.


Categories of Digital Influencers

Discover the seven types of digital influencers around the world:

  • Top Celebrity

They have a high audience (followers), and a good engagement, but they are not associated with a specific niche. Usually, companies hire them to make a brand better known. They do not generate an impact on sales volume, as they are not associated with a particular product.

  • Fit celebrity

They are influencers that stand out for their relevance and have a high audience and engagement. They usually generate more results for companies, giving a good return on engagement, lead generation, and sales volume.

  • Authority

These influencers have a low audience but are well-segmented and loyal. Specialists in a particular market niche are always related to the product or brand they represent.

  • Trendsetter

He is the one who expresses his opinions and thus generates a lot of authority. Normally, he is a debate generator and opinion questioner. It can be an alternative for companies that want to reach a smaller audience, through well-targeted content.

  • Journalists

Working in the media, they usually have a very varied agenda. Your engagement and reach are directly related to the type of subject. However, as most of them work in large media, their content has a very expressive reach.


How digital influencers build their content

Although they can reach thousands of people, don't think that there is no strategy in the way the content is built.

When a company decides to hire a digital influencer to carry out a certain campaign, first of all, it needs to understand very well who its target audience is. So you can choose the influencer that best fits your segment and budget.

It is from there that you define the most assertive social network and the type of communication you will make to attract the attention of your potential customers.

Currently, the type of content with the greatest reach is videos, especially short videos, also known as “shorts”.

The growth of social networks such as TikTok, Instagram, and Youtube shows that users give greater relevance to content created in video format.

Therefore, the content must be designed to generate engagement and attract the attention of the public, so that the expected objective is achieved.

We can conclude that themes need to follow a set of parameters. It is important to note that there is a certain limitation on certain subjects in some niche markets. These are some subjects that do not allow disclosure. The influencer needs to be careful with sensitive subjects.

Generally, influencers like to post lifestyle videos and photos. With a well-crafted caption and a very attractive photo, it is possible to achieve good results.