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10 Ways to Make Money with Email Marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to market your business and connect with your audience, so why do so many businesses fail to take advantage of this tried-and-true strategy? The problem lies in the fact that most small businesses don’t know where to start when it comes to email marketing. In fact, a recent study by Salesforce found that 63% of small businesses have no system in place at all, while only 32% of small businesses are using email marketing tactics on a consistent basis.

1) Have a good offer

Email marketing is one of the most successful ways to make money online. You can create an email list and then use it to send promotions, discounts, or other offers directly to your customers. However, it's not always easy and there are a lot of different things you need to do in order for your email marketing efforts to be successful.  

2) Personalize your messages


- Encourage them to click on the link and sign up for your email list. 

- As a sign-up incentive, provide a free gift. 

- Send them a weekly, or biweekly, email about new products you offer that they might be interested in, upcoming deals, or just send them an update on what's happening at your company. 

- Let your customers know when you have sales going on by sending out a quick email once the sale has started and will end soon so that they are aware of the opportunity to take advantage of those discounted items before it's too late!

3) Work on getting a list

Your list is your most important asset. Without a list, you don't have any opportunity for income. So it's important that you're intentional about building your list. It takes time, but the key is to be patient and make sure that you're setting yourself up for success. 

4) Create segments


- Create an email list of your customers and send them regular updates about your business. One way you can do this is by asking for their email address when they purchase a product or service from you.

- Ask for feedback, testimonials, and reviews to show off on your website or in social media posts. This will encourage more people to buy from you since they'll see that other people are happy with their purchases. 

- Offer exclusive deals and coupons as incentives for people to sign up for your emails, like buy one get one free deal or early access previews of new products before they're released.

5) Schedule your emails

To be successful at email marketing, you should schedule your emails. Create a folder on your computer called E-mail Marketing and label all of your emails accordingly. Then, set aside time each day or week to go through and create new messages that will be sent at the scheduled time. This way, you can focus on creating new content and not worry about forgetting to send an email message.

6) Put some emotions into it


The other day, I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and saw an ad for a weight loss center. The only thing is, it wasn't an ad. It was a spam email that had somehow slipped into my inbox.

Luckily, I was able to click the Report Spam button and prevent this company from spamming me again, but what if they didn't have an option like that? How many more people have experienced this? And how much money has the company made because of it? They are literally taking money from us--the people who work hard for every dollar we make! 

7) Use A/B testing to improve results

A/B testing is a method of optimizing your website's conversion rate. It is often used by marketers to see which of two versions of a page performs better. One version, known as the A page, is shown to 50% of your visitors and the other page, the B page, is shown to the remaining 50%. The idea is that you will get a more accurate result by showing each version of your content to half your audience. You can use A/B testing for all kinds of things including email marketing campaigns. For example, let's say you send out an email newsletter once per week where you talk about company news and new products.

8) Optimize your landing page


- Create an email newsletter 

- Offer a subscription service 

- Ask for donations 

- Sell products and services 

- Create a blog and offer an email subscription service 

- Feature ads in your emails 

- Ask for testimonials

9) Use re-engagement campaigns

Re-engagement campaigns are one of the most popular ways to generate more revenue from your customers. A re-engagement campaign is a set of emails that you send in an effort to convince a customer who has not purchased from you in a while or never made a purchase, to return and buy something. You can also use re-engagement campaigns if you have just sent out an email promotion and want to ask those customers who didn't open your email or click on it for more information. 

10) Test out pay-per-click ads

One of the best ways to make money from email marketing is by using pay-per-click ads. You can either use Google Adwords or Facebook Ads, whichever you prefer. To do this effectively, you need to have a landing page for your ad. This will be where people are directed when they click on your ad. The landing page should have information about the product being advertised and a Call-to-Action button that directs them back to your email list. This way, they will enter their email address and be added as a subscriber so that you can continue communicating with them through email marketing.