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Call to Action (CTA): Everything you need to know about

For those who work with digital marketing, you know the importance of producing ways to attract users to capture strategies. After all, if we don't invest in these processes, we don't get results. Fortunately, digital marketing offers numerous tools to win over users from the moment they get in touch with our brand. And one of them is the CTA!

Leading the user through the sales funnel in marketing is crucial so that, in the future, he becomes a qualified lead for sales, it is crucial to generate new customers.

However, many people involved in digital marketing still do not understand the power of the CTA and how it can transform your company's conversion strategies.

Want to know more about it? Keep reading our post and clear all your doubts about the CTA.


After all, what is the CTA?

First of all, the CTA (an acronym for Call-To-Action) which in free translation means “Call to Action” is any type of call – whether textual or virtual – that encourages the reader to perform a specific action.

In this way, we can assume that it is a crucial tool to promote companies' offers through marketing, and thus, generate excellent leads for the database, in order to be worked on in the future, and gain the potential to become good customers.

For this reason, knowing how to choose a good CTA makes all the difference in this game.

In general, there are several types of calls to action, such as linking from one article to another, offering rich material (such as an E-book), and causing them (the readers) to be directed to a sales page. — or popularly known as landing pages.


How do I choose the right CTA for my marketing strategy?

Knowing the concept of CTA and its importance as generators of action by users who frequent your brand, as said, there are numerous types of CTAs.

The question is which one we should use for specific digital marketing strategies. Now, we have prepared some tips for you to discover the best CTA for your strategy. Check out:


1. Consider the sales funnel stage of your strategy

First of all, we must know what stage of the sales funnel the content is in, and above all, what type of visitor it is attracting to the page!

Let's take a practical example: it would be much more relevant for you to insert a CTA for a visitor who has just entered your content blog — even though they don't know anything about your offer — and encourage them, through the call to action, to click on a link for him to access a free trial of your offer.

That is, we go from a user who is at the top of the sales funnel and lead to the middle or bottom, depending on their need. After all, he has discovered that he has a problem, knows how to solve it, and has just realized that your company can help him and offers him the security to do so.

However, to drive this initial visitor who has just entered your page, it may be interesting to use a CTA to encourage them to download rich material from your brand for free, such as an e-book.

With this, we tend to increase even more the chances of him becoming a good lead, and in the future, a good customer.


2. Find out who your post persona is

It's no use paying attention to the CTA strategies for your content if you don't know who it's communicated to, right? In this sense, it is crucial that you understand who are the people who are reading that content.

Collecting behavioral data and information, page duration time, age group, gender, region, etc., it becomes more difficult to create a CTA totally focused on the profile of these people, making them feel familiar with the possibility of clicking on something and being even more beneficial.


3. Understand the persona's level of knowledge

Have you ever stopped to see if your blog or website can meet the different types of consciousness of your persona?

Again we go back to the context of the sales funnel. If your blog caters to all stages, then that means you can generate content for all levels of consciousness.

You can create top-of-the-funnel content, like “What is digital marketing”, lead that user to the middle of the funnel with content like “5 reasons you should invest in digital marketing today”, and then lead them again, with a good CTA, for the bottom of the funnel.

At this stage of awareness of the problem and solution, you can offer your offer, with a high possibility of closing deals.

However, all these processes only worked because you were able to understand the level of knowledge of the personas. Having this information in hand, your posts will speak strategically to your audience, and automatically they will be led through your sales funnel without realizing it.


4. Don't forget to choose your CTA format

Last but not least is choosing the format of your CTA. In digital marketing, there are countless possibilities. You can create them in sidebar format, or even through texts — inserting links over them (hyperlinks).

Or you can invest in beautiful graphic images throughout the content, encouraging users to click on it and be directed to other content according to your capture strategy.

When it comes to graphic pieces, it is common to create photos of books and pages to represent e-books, whitepapers, and other types of visually attractive rich materials.

Once you've chosen your CTA format, be sure to understand what its main purpose is. It could be generating traffic to another blog, increasing newsletter subscriptions, recommending a download, and increasing traffic to the online store, among others.

Undoubtedly, the CTA has great power of persuasion, and as long as it is used at the right time and to the right person, it has a great chance of achieving incredible conversions.